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Colonial Government - The dominant power over a series of interplanetary settlements. Mostly governed by bare skinned, bipedal primates that exhibit an extraordinary capacity in planning, perspective, and construction design, known as humans. These beings possess a history in creating alternate lifeforms to take on their dangerous and menial labor while reserving a small portion of their own at the ready to fill any given gap in the field in times of emergency while employing additional numbers of their own kind to police said lifeforms.

Hybrids - Anthropomorphic beings, possessing both human and animalistic traits. Previously crafted into existence the raptor breed was created for dangerous labor and to server as a disposable military force to fight on behalf of the colony. Driven to extinction by the colonial enforcement after a series of hostile confrontations, these beings are now replaced with a servitude breed of fox K-9 anthropomorphic lifeforms. predominantly fox breed. More submissive in nature the fox population tends to work in the service and hospitality industries when ever such work is available. The average hybrid's life may last up to thirty years before their internal organs begin to shut down. Having such a short lifespan in combination with the current lack of employment opportunities the hybrid population turns to degenerate avenues for business and recreation such as drug and sex trafficking. Despite their short lives these animalistic beings can take on their human counterparts in physical combat on a one to one ratio due to their strength and speed superiority. Where they excel in bodily performance, they lack in cognitive reasoning. Suffering from a lack of ability in planning or situational perception, they often find themselves in violent competition or conflict with one another. With such a short lifespan, the new hybrids seek to live their lives with immediate pleasure as their first priority, as they do not have the time to build upon anything in the long term.

PsyCorp - Invested into the research of the human psyche, and the methods to alter any given mind into the mold deemed suitable, they prides themselves on being the scientific equivalent of exorcists at the cost of free will. In addition to their endeavors in remodeling organic minds, this organization begins their development of artificial intelligence with the intention of creating a mathematical and strategic mind greater than any conceived by humanity to date. Though righteous in their own eyes, the governing force that allowed their foundation soon forsakes them as terrorists for their practices. Soon to be faced with a crackdown against their activities, this clinical establishment begins to militarize their private security detail into a small unconventional militia.  

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