Came out of the trees

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As Alex and I were walking through the storm we heard a rumble and this time it wasn't thunder. As we both looked up a car came speeding round the corner and heading for us. I pushed Alex out the way and jumped into the bush that was next to me as the car ran into the tree.
After a minute of me figuring out if I was alive or not I ran to the car to check the driver. As I looked in it was obvious that she was a pregnant woman.
"Alex go and get help!" I shouted as the rain got heavier.
"Ma'am can you hear me?" I said looking for a pulse but can't,
"Alex go and get help!" I shouted again with no response. I walked over and saw Alex lying at the bottom of a small hill in a stream.
I ran down and pulled him into the road seeing his head was bleeding.
"Alex...Alex can you hear me, cmon buddy!" I shouted shaking him
I decided to run over to the car and found a package in the back seat contain parts to build a wall shelf.
I got the woman out first who had regained consciousness but couldn't move and stuck her onto a plank of wood. Then I did the same with Alex.

I got half way down the road when I felt shaking on a rope. I turned to see Alex seizing. Immediately I ran round and turned him.
"Is he ok?" The woman asked
"I'm not sure?" I replied as he stopped
"Are you a doctor?"
"Yes I'm a neurosurgeon" I said as I continued again.
After an hour of dragging I got to the ER.
"I need help here!" I shouted dragging them in and getting attention as I lay between them before they were carried off.
"Derek what happened?" April asked
"We were called in...and...and it came out of no where...please save Alex, Meredith needs him he can see something I can't in Meredith please save him..." I stuttered as she helped me up and onto a bed.
"Should I phone Meredith?" She asked
"No no no no don't she will want to leave the house just let me go get changed and I'll phone her"
I walked to the attending's lounge where I saw Owen.
"Shepherd are you ok" he asked as I took of my jackets and boots
"No Alex is hurt and I'm soaked" I said walking into the changing booth. When I came out he was still standing.
"Callie just came in they're taking Alex to CT" he said as I dialled the phone
"Good" I replied as he left
"It's Derek"
"Oh hey honey you get there ok?"
"No honey we got half way down and a car came out of no where and we dove out the way and Alex hit his head I don't know if he's ok but he's in CT"
"Oh my god..oh my god please tell me your ok?"
"I'm fine I'll keep you updated just don't leave the house ok"
"Can you put Dan on the phone please"
"Ok oh I love you Derek and I'm glad you're ok!"
"I love you too just don't worry"

"Yes Shepherd"
"Daniel do not let her leave the house and I mean it" I said as I hung up.

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