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My body aches all over as I awaken, the cold wafts through the cracks in the walls making the goosebumps arise on my skin. I hear as someone shifts around outside the cell so I force myself to shake the sleepiness away and stand up on my feet, alert.

"God, I thought you were dead." Eli's deep voice penetrate through the darkness.

"I was hoping that I was, but yet fate is cruel to me and here I am."

I sarcastically smile at him as I wander over to the door and hang onto the bars. He returns this with a sarcastic grin. The keys rattle hitting the bars as he struggles to unlock the door.

This is it.

"Don't even try anything," Eli warns as though reading my thoughts.

I huff and fold my arms to show my annoyance, as the door swings open I take a step out of the cell. Slowly emerging from the prison and Eli slams the door behind me.

My instincts tell me to make a run for it but something is pulling me back, keeping me here because my feet are stuck and I am still standing next to him as he fiddles with door.

Sensing my presence Eli speaks, "I'm surprised you haven't tried run yet."

Me too.

I scoff at his comment, "How do you know I'm not plotting to kill you right now to make my escape easier?"

"Because," he pauses, "You would've killed me as soon as you stepped out of the cell."

His reply catches me a little by surprise and I fold my arms turning away from him. He chuckles at my actions before beginning to walk back upstairs.

"It's time for breakfast." He tells me.

"Oh fine," I say disinterested following him, I shrug before I add, "I suppose I am hungry."

He leads me back upstairs, his large well built body blocking my view and I mentally curse myself for being so short.

We go into the dining room and I see that the table has already been set up with breakfast foods consisting of eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, beans and other mouth watering food. As I stare at all the food, the smell drifts into my nose sticking there, teasing me.

My stomach starts to rumble and I glance around warily, seeing if anybody heard. Sure, I am hungry but I don't want anyone to know that. As my stomach impatiently continues to make whale calls, I feel Eli's eyes on me and I look at him.

He quickly glances away before a smirk comes to his face and he starts to rumble beside me, he's chuckling at me.

He leans down to my ear, "Sounds like someone's starving."

His voice sends shivers through my body but he was right, I'm absolutely famished. I couldn't remember the last time I had something to eat and I think of the day I had yesterday. I think of every moment right down to the last detail.

It's partly his fault.

He didn't even bother to give me anything to eat. I puff a bit of air out of my mouth blowing a piece of hair out of my face only to have it return to the same spot again.

The Alpha and his rogue roseWhere stories live. Discover now