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I decide to take a quick shower and change into some comfortable night clothes. Someone knocks at my door and I groan as I go to answer it.Amanda and Lexcye stand in the doorway, looking rather guilty.

"Come in," I sigh, opening the door, "Are we going to make this a habit now?"

"What did Eli say?" Lexcye bursts out suddenly.

"Lexcye!" Amanda groans.

I shut the door and walk over to them, settling on the bed.

"Nothing much." I say, "Yes he was angry that we had a drag racing competition and no he won't kill you-"

"That's a relief." She breathes.

"...because he's mainly angry at me." I finish.

"Oh that's terrible," Amanda frowns, "Now I feel guilty for making you take the blame."

"It's nothing I can't handle Amanda, really." I laugh.

"I was wondering," Lexcye cautiously asks, I hum at her, "Are you ever going to make up with Eli, I mean, perhaps forgive him?"

Her question instantly makes me think.

"I honestly don't know Lex. I mean, eventually I'll have to because it's really hard to resist the pull of this mating bond."

"Is that good or bad?" Amanda asks.

"I- don't know." I say quietly.

As I'm lost in thought, I feel Amanda and Lexcye's eyes both on me and I smile at them. 

"It'll work out alright, only time will tell."

"I hope it does," Amanda innocently comments, "I don't like it when you're fighting, I mean, he is my brother after all."


Is all I can reply.

"Like I said, don't worry it'll all work out."

"What shall we do now?" Amanda asks.

"Umm, sleep?" I say.

"No way," Lexcye comments, "I'm still buzzing from our race earlier."

My eyebrows raise as I watch them both.

"Fine," I sigh, "I guess you can stay in my room- yet again- watching movies."



"We have to go get snacks and stuff!" Amanda eagerly bounces up and down on the bed, "Let's go then!"

"Yes, yes, okay I'm coming." I say as I follow both girls out of my room and down to the kitchen.

"Let's be quiet, I feel like I've reached my limit with the amount of trouble I can cause today."

We are all like mice scurrying around trying to quietly get snacks out of the cupboard. We get out a few bags of chips and pop some popcorn. We also carry a large bottle of Coke to the room along with some glasses.

Everyone dumps their haul onto my giant bed before getting under the covers. I grab the remote preparing to turn on the TV while Lexcye and Amanda both stuff their faces with the snacks. I roll my eyes at them and flip to the movie channel.

"I can't believe you guys," I groan, "The movie hasn't even started yet and half the snacks are already gone!"

"This is what it's like being at the movies!" Lexcye exclaims.

"Hmm." I shrug and start to munch on the popcorn myself.

The brightness of the screen flashes before my eyes. Right now, The Little Mermaid plays on the screen.

The Alpha and his rogue roseWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt