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*Five months later*

I feel the anger raging through my body as I pace back and forth in my study. I rake my hands through my spikey hair in frustration.

"Alpha!" Shawn announces.

I snap in his direction with hope beaming in my eyes.

"We lost the scent."

"FUCK!!!" I yell.

I kick one of the chairs in front of my desk and send it flying across the room, it smashes into the bookshelf braking useless ceramic objects and denting the wall along with the shelf itself. I see as Shawn tenses up by the door. Five fucking months. That's how long it has been, it seems like way longer.

Everything is so quiet without her around. It's been hard for me to do anything around here because all I can focus on is her. Sometimes I wake up to Amanda shaking me because she says I'm screaming and yelling out in my sleep.

It's crazy, I never thought in a million years that me, Eli Jackson, would be so whipped. But I am and I'd do anything to make sure she's safely here in my arms again.

"I'm joining the search." I say.

I knew it should've gone with her that day, I should've followed her anyway but the day I chose not to is the day she gets taken away from me?

I follow Shawn out of the front door and we both shift and take off, heading straight for the woods. I walk with him around the whole territory and find a body laying on the ground near one of the back walls.

It looks as though the decomposing process has already begun. Bugs crawl in and out of holes they made which tells me it's been here a couple of months at least.

"How the fuck can you miss this?" I snap.

"Sorry Alpha," Shawn responds, "We didn't search this area."

"But I told you," I growled, "I told you to search everywhere."

"Sorry Alpha." Is all he has to say.

I feel my anger take over and I go to punch him straight in his gut, he expertly dodges and I punch someone else instead. The guy falls to the ground, doubling over in pain. I crouch down next to the body, examining it, I twist the head so that I can see the person's face.

It's of no use though as his face has almost completely disappeared. I search his body where the skin is still there and notice strange burn marks, it looks as though he's been cut with something silver.

"Seems like he's a rogue." Shawn reports.

I have already gotten rid of all of the guards that were supposed to be on patrol that day- they were killed on my orders. I stand up and sniff the air, the smell of blood is evident. As I move around I can work out another scent which is recognisable to me and I growl.

Together with a few of the strongest wolves I shift into my wolf, running quickly through the forest at desperate breaking speed. I follow the scent and my wolves follow me. It seems as though we've been running for hours, going around in circles but eventually we arrive upon a small group of houses.

The Alpha and his rogue roseWhere stories live. Discover now