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My beautiful rose nestles closely into my chest. I can't help but smile at her whilst I stroke her soft brown hair. I watch her as a smile spreads across her round face. I pull the duvet up under her arms while also tucking myself under it. My thoughts drift to Ian, mainly how he got away.

'Go track him down, finish the job!' Grey growls.

'Our mate is more important.' I reply, 'We should protect her at all costs and we can't do that by being away from her.'

'And you don't think by killing that creature she will be protected?' He questions.

'She stopped me from killing him earlier, I'm not going to go behind her back-'

'It's the only way to-' Grey interrupts.

'No Grey!' I announce, 'No more lies, no more sneaking around, I don't want her to hate me like last time just because of something like that.'

She moves around next to me, placing my attention instantly on her. She grunts a little and makes the cutest little noises as she sleeps. Now that I marked her, perhaps our mind link will work?

I focusing on her, trying to hear her thoughts, feel what she's feeling. I can feel it working as my head starts to fill with her voice. In no time at all I can feel everything she's feeling, every emotion, and hear her thoughts swimming around in my brain.

Almost immediately, I gather her up in my arms protectively and she begins to calm down, smiling once again. My thoughts decide to drift back to Ian and what problems he could cause now that he was loose. I know he definitely wants to hurt my mate, so I gather that he's going to come back.

I think about what Grey said earlier, maybe I should go after him. I'm only trying to protect her. Every minute I waste thinking about this is another minute that the scent and his trail goes cold. It'll be harder to track him down. I can't go behind her back not like before.

I don't want to have to deal with that pain again. I shake my head to clear the thoughts away and lay down on the pillow, cuddling Rosaleen. I toss and turn as I try my hardest to shut my eyes, but it just isn't any use. No matter how hard I try I just can't sleep, so I stay up the entire night. Thinking.

Pretty soon the light starts to pour into the wide windows. I get up and make sure that I don't wake Rosaleen. I slip on a pair of boxers and a some grey tracksuits. I run my hands through my hair and go downstairs to the kitchen.

I begin to prepare some breakfast for Rosaleen using my werewolf speed to zip around the kitchen. I cook her a full English breakfast and make her a cup of tea as well. I place the plate and teacup on a tray then I go outside feeling the December snow crunching below my feet.

I head straight for the rose bush and snap one off the stem before going back inside. I place it neatly on the tray and go back upstairs to my room. Rosaleen is still fast asleep when I come back and I sigh, smiling. This is probably the first time I came back and she's still sleeping.

I sit the tray down on the bedside table, her back is arched as it faces me. Her hair is messily sprawled out behind her and her arms cover her boobs as they rest on them. The blanket it only covering the bottom half of her body right now.

The Alpha and his rogue roseWhere stories live. Discover now