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Song: Call your name.



"We didn't meet under the best circumstances, but that never meant that everything else would be dark and unhappy too."

I watch as Jayce and Jade both glare at me. They suck quietly at their tiny fists, listening patiently to every word.

"You know what? Mummy is still with us." I say, "She smiles down from heaven at us."

They both happily grin, babbling words as though they understand what I'm telling them. I can't help but return a huge grin to them.

"Alright, troublemakers," I announce, "Time for bed!"

Jayce looks at me, clapping his tiny hands together making classic baby noises.


My attention is on him, I feel myself excitedly smiling at him.

"Come on little man," I coax, "You can do it, say 'DADA'."


My face lights up with the brightest smile.

"You said dada! Your first word!"

I'm overwhelmed with excitement as I hold Jayce up in the air, he laughs hysterically and claps proudly.

"Rosaleen! Come quick! Jayce, he just-"

I stop in my tracks, staring at the door. An empty feeling builds up inside me.

That's right...

The twins both look at me with sadness evident in their eyes. I stare at them, then smile at them, mainly not wanting to upset them.

"Good boy Jayce." I say quietly.

I stay with them until they fall asleep then I place them in their cribs and silently exit their room heading for my own. As I pass Amanda's room, I gently push on the door to check on her. I can hear her soundlessly sobbing beneath her blanket.


The blanket whips back, revealing a red eyed Amanda staring straight at me. A frown instantly shows up on my face. I venture deeper into her room, gently perching comfortably on the edge of her bed. She instantly clamps onto me allowing her tears to take over.

"Eli..." She cries.

"I know, I know," I coo.

I'm trying to remain strong but I can feel myself cracking while Amanda stays clasped onto me, crying her eyes out.

"I miss her too."

"It must be so hard for you."

"It's hard for all of us Amanda," I reply, "You, Lexcye, Alec and I."

"But you were her mate," she sniffles, "You were the most intimate with her."

"I know." I sigh.

"I wonder how Lexcye and Alec are handling this." Amanda says, there's a hint of anger in her voice, "We haven't seen them since-"

She looks at me, her face has a frown stuck on it.

"Amanda, I'm sure that they're just dealing with it in their own way." I respond, "Just like we're dealing with it in ours."

"I heard you in the twins room just now." She comments.

"I-I'm not used to it yet."

"I don't think we'll ever be." Amanda frowns, "I wish I was here more when you guys had the babies, I hardly ever saw her."

"I know, we all have regrets when it comes to her," I say, trying my best to comfort her, "But, she didn't have any regrets. We shouldn't either."

"It just goes to show," she says quietly, "We can't take this life for granted, you never know- what's going to happen."

"Hmm." Is all I can respond.

"You know," I twist my head to look at Amanda, "I was really hoping she'd be there when I first shifted and get my wolf. I would've felt better if she was but now-"

The room is silent for a while with only the sound of the wind crashing into the window.

"Come on, you have to get some sleep now." I breathe.

I tuck her back under the blanket and lay next to her. I don't leave her room. Instead I lie awake letting the memories of my beautiful mate, Rosaleen Jackson, take control of my mind. I've lost track of the time we've spent without her, the house isn't the same. It's so quiet. It feels wrong.

Rosaleen... you promised- you promised you'd never leave me... so why...?

The tears silently slip down my cheeks, wetting my face and Amanda's pillow.

I miss you so much Rosaleen.


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