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I go to my office, with Alec following me.  When we gets there I lock the door behind us. He is instantly alert as he faces me, the room is quite dim due to the fact the curtains are drawn. As take each step towards him, I crack my knuckles.

"Let's get this over and done with." I demand.

"Wait, maybe we shouldn't do this here." He says.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Aren't the girls close by?" He questions, "Won't they hear us?"

"Good point," I think, "Where then?"

"The dungeon." He suggests.

I shrug and we exit my office swiftly, heading downstairs for the dungeon, Alec follows closely behind me.

"Hey babe!" A girly voice greets us.

"Hey." Alec replies.

"I was wondering if after you're finished with this you want to have lunch together or dinner," she shrugs, "Or whatever you know."

"Dinner sounds great." He replies kissing her cheek and waving goodbye.

She smiles at him before we head off. I make sure to lock the door behind us so that no one can follow us in here.

"Alright," I sigh, "You ready?"

He nods at me while I allow a dirty smirk to creep onto my face. I step towards him, throwing a punch into his direction.

My fist connects with his jaw and blood trickles from his lip. I manage to hit him a few more times, sending him tumbling to the ground. He coughs, spitting blood as I kick him repeatedly in the stomach.

"This isn't much fun, perhaps you should fight back?" I say smugly.

He gets up off the floor wiping his mouth, there's a cheeky smirk plastered on his face.

"I suppose it would be fun to beat you up a little, after all, I've wanted to fuck you up since we met." He says.

"The feeling's mutual." I smirk.

I hold my ground as he bolts for me, his right arm reaches for my face but I dodge his attack quickly. He seems shocked that I can and I smile as I land a punch straight in his gut- again.

He coughs painfully and I use my elbow to powerfully strike him in his back. He smashes into the floor, groaning in pain.

"I don't know if you're brave or foolish to think that you can fight me and stand a chance." I laugh.

I watch him squirming around on the floor. I shake my head placing my hands on my hips.

"I mean, I'm an Alpha after all."

He gets up and faces me, his eyes are burning with determination as he comes at me again. His leg kicks my stomach and catches me off guard, his arm quickly whips around his fist connecting with my face.

I can feel his smirk radiating off him and I fall onto my knees clutching my stomach in pain. I can feel the blood hovering just above my right eye.

"That felt good." He laughs.

"Let's not forget why we're really down here." I say sourly.

"I know," he shrugs, "I had to get at least one punch in."

"Fair enough." I respond.

As I pick myself off the floor, I use my werewolf speed and land a few good blows to his body. He doubles over in pain and I decide to kick it up a notch, I pick up a knife from off the table and make my way over to Alec.

The Alpha and his rogue roseWhere stories live. Discover now