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As I go through the village I manage to visit most of the people living here. I talk to them and allow them to vent to me about their problems and assist them in whatever work they need help doing.

So far I've helped to settle a family dispute, I baby sat some kids for a busy mother while her and her mate went out together, helped to clean a house even and redecorate. I even helped to build the children a little playground after suggesting it.

I'm so busy, helpful even and I can feel Rose full with pride as I continue with my Luna duties and helping the pack members as best as I can. Tiredly, I make my way back to the pack house, my feet hurt and I rub my swollen belly in exhaustion.

As I waddle inside I instantly make my way to the kitchen to cook up a meal for myself. I just can't wait until these babies are out of me. All that walking around and stuff has made me so hungry. I cook up some pasta and mix it up with mince meat, I then add loads of cheese before putting some into a bowl.

I grate cheese on top and rest myself at the counter to eat it. Someone enters the room and I twist around to see Eli walking in, he looks exhausted as well, as he runs his hands through his hair he instantly spots me and smirks.

"How was your Luna duties, Kitten?"

"Tiring," I sigh, "My feet hurt and I'm so exhausted."

He goes to the fridge and gets out a bottle of orange juice.

"I hope you haven't been pushing yourself so hard." he frowns.

"Don't worry, I haven't." I reply.

As he downs the orange juice, his eyes stick on me. His eyes notice the bowl that I have in front of me, he stares at it and looks around.

"Where did you get food from?"

"I-I made it?" I respond, gnawing at my lip.

"I want some!" He moans childishly.

"There's some on the stove but-" I say.

I have never seen Eli move quicker in my life. As the words leave my lips, he's already at the stove taking out his food before I can say another word. He places himself next to me and watch him, as he takes his first bite his face freezes and I can see he's trying not to look at me.

"Terrible isn't it?" I laugh nervously.


He gulps down the mouthful and forces it to stay down.

Why would you think that?"

"Your face says it all Eli," I sigh, "Plus I've tasted it."

I point to the seemingly untouched bowl before me and Eli laughs nervously.

"There's no use lying to me, I can hear what you're thinking... remember..."

I get up and empty my bowl into the bin.

"If you want Kitten, I can teach you how to cook?" He says suddenly.

I look back at him in surprise before nodding my head and giving him a grin.

"You don't have to eat that," I announce, pointing at the bowl in front of him, "I wouldn't want to poison you."

Eli chuckles and gets up to empty his bowl, at this point Amanda, Lexcye and Alec walk into the kitchen.

"I smell food!" Amanda chimes.

"I could do with a tasty dish right about now!"

Alec claps his hands together while he looks at Lexcye who hums in agreement, licking her lips.

The Alpha and his rogue roseWhere stories live. Discover now