the awards ceremony

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Me and Niall left my room. Monique and Zayn were kissing on the couch. Niall cleared his throat chuckling. Monique looked up at us embaressed. Zayn threw a pillow at Niall, Niall threw it back hitting Zayn in the face.
"The hair" Zayn complained fixing his hair. Zayn lookes at Niall
"I guess we got roomies lad" Zayn says looking at me and then Monique.
"yeah I guess we do" he said.
"nothing's official yet, we met you guys last night" Monique says smiling.
"true" I agree with Monique.

the picture on the side is how I picture Aspyn Nicole (Liam's Girlfriend) xx ChristinaHoranSept13

At the awards ceremony, we all sat next to eachother. Aspyn Nicole was beautiful. She was so sweet, her and Liam were adorable together. Eleanour and Lou were perfect together, and comepletly real. I didn't ship Larry or Elounour originally because I didn't really know. But Elounour is totally real. Harry went with a directioner named Sierra she had beautful green eyes and nutmeg colored freckles splrinkled acrossed her nose and copper colored hair down to her hips. They called the boys up on stage quite often. At the end they told them to bring their dates up with them. We all went up Louis and Eleanour holding hands, me and Niall holding hands, Zayn and Mo holding hands, and Aspyn Nicole and Liam holding hands. We got on stage, I was freaking nervous, and I knew Monique was too. Zayn wrapped his arm around Monique's waist and pulled her into a hug, the cameras flashed like crazy. Monique raised her eyebrows, Zayn looked at me and Niall in a way that said 'beat that' I knew what he was going to do already. Niall leaned forward wrapping his arms around my hips, raising me up slightly, he kissed me, not a long kiss but it was still wonderful. I heard te yells and the cameras clicking only for a moment. and then it was over just me and my irish man. They said to introduce us all, Harry said "this is Sierra" smiling.
"This" LIam said grinning "is Aspyn Nicole" Zayn chuckled as Aspyn Nicole's eyes got wide.
"This is Eleanor" Lou said making wide guestures motioning to Eleanor.
"this is Monique" Zayn said looking her up and down dramatically.
"This is Christina" Niall said smiling. I felt myself blushing already.
"You know, red is a good color on you" Niall said stroking my cheek. which of course made me get even worse.

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