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I curled up on the couch, how could he win? He doesn't deserve those Ryan and Isaac. They belong to Monique and Luke. Excuse me, did Zayn carry those babies in his tummy for nine months, wich stretched out his stomach? No! Did Zayn go through the hours of labor and pain? No! He doesn't deserve those babies. I hate him, I hate him.

I sat there sulking. Niall's getting dinner. I'm just thinking, those twins would have a much better life with Monique and Luke.

I'm still sitting there, deep in thought. When I hear the door open, I turn to see Niall, giving me a sad smile. "One Direction broke up" Niall says. "What? No!" I say standing abruptly,

"After midnight memories, people weren't as interested, but we came out with another album, and it did pretty well, but now, Zayn's an arse, none of us want to be within ten feet of him, let alone be on tour with him, me and the other lads are still friends, but none of us can stand Zayn, he just talks about how good Meghan is in bed, and he's changed, his parents don't like who he's become. Neither do we. And now I feel like just another generic boy band"  Niall says sighing.

"You guys are not just another generic boyband Niall, you guys are different, everyone will remember you guys. And those girls will grow up hoping they can marry you Ni" i tell him hugging him.

He smiles weakly, "A month and 11 days" I whisper.

He smiles brightly. "It's such a short time, but it feels so long"

he says still smiling. I chuckle, "I know right?" I say.

  He picks me up bridal style, setting me in his lap, in the love-seat. "Have we decided where we're going to go on our honeymoon?" he asks, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

"I was thinking like Hawaii?" I said, "or just somewhere tropical" I say thinking.

He smiles, "sounds good to me" he says smiling. I run my finger tips through his hair. He closes his eyes, leaning back. I run my fingers through his hair over and over. He smiles his eyelashes fluttering. Gosh, he's so adorable. I really don't deserve him.

We fell asleep there on the love seat cuddling.

I woke up, it's like three AM, that's what I get for going to sleep at a weird time. Niall's already up, I smell food. I go to the kitchen, and there is Niall with a dish of freshly cooked brownies. And half of the giant dish, he already ate. He looks up at me as I'm walking in, chocolate smeared on his face. I burst out laughing at his brownie smeared face, and wide, innocent blue eyes. He gives me a small guilty smile. I laugh, kissing him, getting chocolate on my own mouth.

We sit there with a fork eating the rest of the gooey delicious brownies together. I'm yawning by the time we're done, I guess I'm tired again. Niall gives me a smile, picking me up on his back, carrying me to the bedroom. 

He lays me down gently on the bed, laying down next to me, pulling me into his body, it's weird, I fit right in with him. I wonder if that's how it always is? I don't know. I nuzzle my face into his chest "you smell like chocolate" I mutter drifting off into sleep.

I wake up to an empty cold feeling. I reach for Niall but he isn't there. I'm in the bed all by myself and I don't hear anything out and about the house. The room is cold and empty. I stand up, I'm still in my clothes from yesterday. I grab a clean t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I might as well shower. 

I go into our bathroom, I take my shirt off, but then I go turn the water on, this way I can adjust the temperature to perfection before I get in. I just stick my hand in the curtain, feeling for the nozzle thing. Pulling on it. I hear a yelp from inside the shower, scaring the hell out of me, I jump back hitting the door. Niall steps out fully clothed, and soaking wet.

"I was going to scare you" Niall says chuckling. I don't say anything, just look at him wide eyed. I stand up, "Well you succeeded, now get out Ni" I say too him. My head hurts, I jumped back and hit it on the door. He stands there with a confused look on his face, "Ni, get out" I whine.

"I can't take you seriously without a shirt on" he says laughing. I cross my arms over my hot pink bra. "Get out, I need to take a shower" I whine, gosh, I sound like a three year old.

"What's the magic word?" Niall asks smirking. "please, ok? Now evacuate the area immediately" I say pointing to the door.

He laughs, walking out the door. I lock the door, removing the rest of my clothes. I get in, and enjoy my hot shower.

I'm dressed, a pair of jeans - that I forgot were so ridiculously tight- and a solid grey t-shirt. I put my soaking wet hair in a pony-tail. No make-up, like usual. I walk out to the kitchen, Niall's in there, cooking breakfast. I wrap my arms around Niall's toned waist. Laying my head on his back, sighing.

After breakfast, me and Niall are talking, "We should invite the boys over, and Monique and all the 5SOS guys too." I say, thinking, my head is in Niall's lap, he's playing withh my hair, and looking into my eyes as we talk.

"Yeah that's a good idea" Niall says grinning. I laugh at his gleefulness. "I'll text them" I tell him, grabbing my phone off the coffee table. I text Mo first.

To: Monique is the law;)

Hey want to come over tonight? We'll be inviting a couple other people:)

New msg from; Monique is the law;)

Surrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee, what time?

To: Monique is the law;)

eh 7?

New msg from: Monique is the law;)

I'll be there 

I texted Luke next 

To: Lukeeeee

Hey Luke, I already asked Mo to come over tonight, you want to come?

New msg from: Lukeeee

Surrree, I'll be there! :)

To: Lukeeee

K see you later

New Msg from: Lukeeee

remember that song I wrote about Mo? We recorded the video today, they're puting the lyric video up today, and putting the finishing touches on the real one, it's kind of weird, but they sent me the vid, I'll fwd it to you:)

To: Lukeeee

Oh awesome:) Has Mo even heard it?

New Msg from: Lukeeee

No, not yet:) Can't wait to show her:)

Everyone gets to our house, Louis is the only one who couldn't come, he's visiting Eleanor. We all decide to watch a movie, like usual. This time we're watching The Lone Ranger. Wooo, only seen this a thousand times.

Video is Luke's song for Mo, the music video:) xx ChristinaHoranSept13

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