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I get to our house, coming inside. Niall's on our couch in basketball shorts, and no shirt. He hasn't heard me come in, so, I sneak next to him, placing my hands on his shoulders. He jumps, turning his head quickly, seeing me. He lets out a deep breath. "you're home" he says. "Is that a bad thing?" I ask. Taking a step back. He stands up, "no, no of course not, I just wasn't expecting you to be here. I've missed you so much" Niall says giving me a small smile. I step forward, "only a month and 13 days" he says hugging me. "Mhmm, it will be official, I can't wait for us to be married." I say smiling at the thought.

I wake up to my phone ringing, I've spent two days at home, Mo will get to go home with the twins today. I answer the phone, walking out of the room, so that I don't wake Niall. I hear crying on the other end, sobbing. It's Mo. "Mo, Mo what's wrong?!" I ask, worried, So Luke couldn't finalize the birth certificates, because Zayn came in and said he was the father, so the babies have his last name. B-because h-he's trying to get full c-custody over the t-twins" Monique says sobbing. "I have to go to court in three days" she says crying even harder. My heart breaks at the thought. "No, no! Why does he want custody?" I get all mad. "Well I got to go" Monique says. "bye Mo, love you" I say. "Bye Cam, love you" she says hanging up. I sit on the couch thinking everything over.

It's the day of the case. I'm not going to the court. But they are almost done with it according to Liam, and it's leaning in Zayn's favor because his management bribed the judge because they thing it will look good. The boys refuse to even talk to Zayn, they are there to support Monique.

He won, the douche won. Full custody of babies that just belong to Monique and Luke. It's just wrong.

the picture is mo's tattoo, for her baby that died xxChristinaHoranSept13

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