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I got out of the shower, I brushed out my tangled waves. I walked out in leggings that cut off just below my knees and my winter jam T-shirt. I came out to see Niall had fallen back asleep. I walk to the living room, I need to tell my parents about me and Niall... I text and E mail them all the time usually... but I've been distracted, I need to get my mind off Mo, who happens to be in an induced coma to recover from all the head trauma the damned car caused. I whip out my phone. I scroll down my contacts 'Mum' I laugh, because I set it like that because that's how Niall says it, and I was a crazy directioner and I'm fucking lucky. I call my mom, she picks up on the third ring. "Christina, you haven't called in forever hon' we miss you!" She says. "Mom, would it be ok if me and.... my boyfriend came to visit?" I ask. "Sure, I'll everybody, we can all get together to meet Niall" she says. "Mom, how did you know his name...?" I ask surprised. "I see pictures of you two everywhere I go love" she says chuckling. "You know, you're posters are still up in your room" she says laughing. "Oh mom take my posters down before we come please" I plead. "I will, don't worry, so how's Mo Monkey?" she asks cheerily, Monique is like another daughter to my mom. I sigh "Mo is in an induced coma, for two weeks, she got hit by a car." I tell her sadly. I hear my mom gasp. I hear her sniff. "I'll be praying for her" she says. "We all are, Zayn and Luke are both worried to death" I say. My mom chuckles lightly "you girls were obsessed with those boys, and now you're together" I could picture my mom right now, shaking her head, in the kitchen cooking, while on the phone with me. "I gained a new respect for fan girls when her and Zayn got married" she chuckles.
"Oh they are so cute together" I admit.
"So it's alright if me and Ni come?" I ask. "Yes love, I'll have you're siblings come, and your brothers can bring their girlfriends.... that you haven't met! You haven't come home for two and a half years honey" she says. I sigh, I had a good reason, but I'm not going to tell my mom. Or anybody for that matter. I just really hope I don't see him. "I know mom, I'm sorry, but I'll see you soon, I have to go love you" I tell her "Love you Chrissi, goodbye" she replies, and with that I hang up. I feel two warm and smooth arms snake around my waist. "Making plans without me babe?" Niall asks. "Hmm you were asleep, and I didn't want to wake you, cos you're adorable when you're asleep" I admit. He chuckles, a low rumble coming from his chest. "So, do you want to go meet my parents? And also tell them we're engaged?" I ask. "Yes" he says nuzzling his head into my shoulder. "did you tell your family?" I ask. "mhhhmm my mom was incredibly happy and so was everyone else" he says, his lips brushing my shoulder as he talked, making me shiver. I smile. "Just to let you know, I have 7 other siblings." I say wincing. "Wow, will I meet all of them?" he asks. "probably" I say shrugging. "Ok, well what are their names?" he asks "Ashleah, Luke, Hunter, Annie, Gavin, Belladonna, and Ryan, who is a girl, just to let you know" I tell him. "Ok, can't wait." he says. I smile. I turn to face shirtless Niall, I hug him tightly. "Love you Ni" I say into his chest. "Love you Chrissi" he says.

I had everything packed, Niall was almost finished packing. I put my suitcases in my car. I would be driving for the next five hours to go....home. I don't really call it home after what happened with.....him. I started the car, and then jogged into the house. "Niiiiiiiiiaaaaallllllllllllllllllllll hurry your ass up" I whine. I walk into our bedroom. He keeps running his fingers through his hair, his arms moving jerkily, he runs his hand down his leg roughly. He keeps running his fingers through his-now messy-quiff. He shoves a shirt in his bag quickly. I step forward, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Take a deep breath Ni.... what's wrong?" I ask, rubbing his shoulders. "I'm really nervous about meeting your family" he says sighing. "Don't be. They'll love you" I say. He lets out a deep breath. "let's go" he says. He grabs his bag, walking, and putting it in my car. He gets in the passenger side. I get in the driver's side. I pull my car out of the driveway, Niall's shaking. "Ni, you'll be fine, they'll love you" I say reassuringly. "Holly's parents hated me" he says, running his fingers through his hair once again. My body tenses immediately at her name. He notices, "Holly doesn't matter" he says sighing.

After two hours in the car, we drive passed the beach where we met, where I stepped on Harry's phone, where Mo met Zayn. Niall breaks out into a grin, pointing to the dock, well underneath the dock, "that's where we first kissed" Niall says smiling. A grin spreads acrossed my face at the memory.

We drive passed........his...house, and pull into my driveway. My mom and dad rush out and hug me tightly, "We missed you"

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