Meeting the Horan family...

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Me and Niall were on the plane, I asked him about Theo and Greg and Denise and his Mom and his Dad.  I fell asleep on his shoulder. When I woke up Niall was on his phone. I stretched. "What are you doing?" I asked Niall, guesturing to his cellular device. "Reading a fan fiction that Zayn recomended, he said even though he was in it he liked it" Niall said smiling. "YOU GUYS READ THE FAN FICTIONS DIRECTIONERS WRITE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" I was freaking out, Niall looked at me puzzled "some of them, why?" He said looking at me. "Well, a while ago I wrote one... and so did Monique" I admit. Niall's eyes get wide "What were they called?!?" Niall asks looking excited. "I refuse to tell you" I say scrunching up my nose.  "Please babe?" Niall asks. "No, I wrote a story about you when I was younger and I'm NOT going to tell you what it is called" I say. "you were really a directioner huh?" Niall asks smirking. "Yes" I say. "So what was your reaction when you saw us?" Niall asks smug. "I nearly had a heart attack" I say honestly. "Oh... really?" Niall asks smiling. "you were my favorite I had a major crush" I say honestly. Niall's eyes get wide, he smiles. "That's cute" Niall says smirking.

     We're driving to Niall's parents I squeeze Niall's hand tightly. "I'm soooooooo nervous" I tell him. "They'll love you, don't worry" Niall says smiling. "But what if they don't?" I ask. Niall looks me dead in the eye (even though he should be looking at the road) "Christina, my family is going to love you. I swear. my mum she can not wait to meet you. I love you" Niall says, I feel myself collapse a little "I love you too" I tell him honestly.

We pull up to a little house that has a sign on the front that says "The  Horan's" in swirly green lettering. Niall smiles, Niall's family comes out a women comes up to me and hugs me "I'm Maura Niall's mum" She says sweetly. A man comes and shakes my hand "I am Bobby Niall's dad" he says smiling. A younger women shakes my hand "I'm Denise Niall's sister-in-law, and this is my husband Greg and my son Theo" she says to me smiling. "I'm Christina" I say, they were all sweet people. "Oh my goodness, Niall she's beautiful" his mom gushes. Niall gets a little pink "I know" He says. His older brother Greg puts his arm around Niall "I thought you'd never bring a girl home to meet us, but I guess I was wrong. She must be pretty special" Greg says sincerely. "Oh trust me, she is" Niall says. I can feel the blush creeping up my cheeks. "Well come on inside everyone!" Niall's dad says saving me from further embaressment. We go inside. "Dinner is ready!!" Niall's mom says. We all sit down, Niall's dad prays and we all start to eat. "Oh mum, I missed your food" Niall says. I laugh as Niall starts eating everything possible. After dinner I realize I am incredibley tired, damn jet lag. I'm pretty sure Niall was feeling it too, Niall started up the stairs, I began going up, when I felt a slight tug on my wrist. I turned to see his family standing there. "I have never seen Niall so happy" his dad says, "you're good for him" Greg says, his arm around Denise "He has never brought a girl home to meet us, you're special you mean a lot to him" His mom says smiling. "I haven't known Niall espcially long, but he is changed... for the better with you. Keep doing what you're doing" Denise says smiling. I smile, "thank you, and I he makes me happier than I have ever been, you've got a wonderful man as a son, you raised him well" I tell them. They all smile "goodnight" his mom says. I give them all one last smile and head upstairs. I see Niall standing in the doorway of a room. "What did they say to you?" Niall asks frowning. "nothing" I say flirtaciously. His frown breaks, he smiles at me, "what did they say?" he asks, taking my hand and twirling me around. I walk into the room where he was standing in front of. "Was this your bed room?" I ask.  I look around the bedroom. "yes" he says. I lay on his bed. He flops down next to me, "if you won't tell me what they said, will you tell me something else?" He asks. "That depends" I tell him smiling slightly. "On what?" He asks. "If you kiss me first" I tell him. He leans in and kisses me softly. I smile as he pulls away. "Now, what did you want to ask me?" I ask him. "well, how'd you like my family?" He asks. "They are amazing people" I tell him honestly. Niall puts his arm around me. "my family loves you" Niall tells me smiling. "As for you?" I ask. "I love you too" He says smiling. I stand up off his bed. I go shut the door.

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