The news that changed everything...................

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Monique comes out from the bathroom, I slide the ramen noodles acrossed the table to her. She smiles

"you know me all to well" she says. after she's done eating that, we walk to the living room she sits on her blue chair.
I sit on the couch, she turns the T.V on, and turns power rangers on. She laughs.

"GO GO POWER RANGERS" she yells. I just look at her as she watches power rangers. Yelling animatedly every now and then or standing up and doing super hero poses. My phone goes off it's from Niall it says

"Hey girl;) How's Monique? Z is having a panic attack with no update he thinks she gonna die or somethin"
I laugh because I know Zayn is probably pacing and freaking out while Monique is watching power rangers and being the phsyco that she is. I text him back

"She's fine, she's watching power rangers" I tell him. I hear Monique yell something that sounded like
"Metamorphinominal" I don't even know how to acknowladge that...... Niall texts me back

"Lol:) I'll tell Zayn" I walk out to the living room.
"I think I just ate something bad. I don't think I have like the flu or anything cos I don't feel sick anymore." Mo says sprawled out on her blue chair.

"You're probably right" I tell her. We watch T.V until they stop playing power rangers for the night.

"Lets go get dinner and stuff" I say. We get up from the living room to go get out of our pajamas. Mo comes out in an adventure time shirt and sweats and her hair in a side braid.
We walk out to my car. I drop Mo off at the store to buy whatever the heck she needs from the store, and I go pick up panda express take out.
After I'm done I pick Mo up from the store. She had got a bunch of random ice cream flavors and toppings.

"Sundae night!!" we scream together. We get to the house and make giant, fattening, delicious sundaes. Mo takes a picture and sends it to Zayn saying "jelly?" Me and Mo take our sundaes to the living room. Monique sits in her blue chair like usual. "So how are you and Zayn?" I ask Mo.

"amazayn" She says grinning.

"It's funny because we both ended up with the ones we wanted." I say thinking back when we were like 15 and me and Monique were freaking obsessed.

"Where did your cardboard cut out of Zayn ever end up?" I ask her. She laughs

"it's at my parents house." She tells me.

"OH MY GOSH, do you remember when midnight memories came out like last year and we like danced with our cardboard cut outs?!" Mo says laughing.

The next morning I wake up and hear Monique, she's sick again

"What the hell? Why is she sick again?" I mutter under my breath. I go to the kitchen and make myself breakfast. I call Zayn again he picks up immediately

"Mo? Are you Ok? How are you?" He says quickly.

"Zayn, it's Christina again, Monique is sick again..." I tell him slowly.

"I'm coming over right now" Zayn says. I know I can't stop him now.

"Ok" I say. He hangs up. Mo walks out of the bathroom heading straight for the fridge she pulls out left over KFC from two nights ago. and starts eating it.

"Mo..?" I don't really know what to say.

"I have been craving this all morning" She says. after she eats it, she walks to the living room and sits in her blue chair.

"Zayn is coming" I tell her.

"Oh, ok I feel like I haven't seen him in forever" she says. I take a shower, when I get out of the shower I hear Zayn's car pull up. I see that Monique is asleep in her chair. I open the door for him. He looks panicked. He sees Monique in her chair asleep. He goes and sits next to her.

"Have you had breakfast?" I ask Zayn.

"....No" he whispers trying not to wake Mo. He sits on the couch.
I make Zayn a bagel he ate them every time he was at our apartment. I walk into the living room and give them to him. Monique wakes up around an hour later. She sees Zayn

"Hey" she says smiling. She curls up and lays her head on his chest

"I missed you" He says. I walk back to room leaving them to be with eachother. I start cleaning my room. I pick up all my clothes off the ground and put them in the hamper and organize my stuff. After I finished cleaning my room which took about 45 minutes, I walked out into the living room. They were watching adventure time together Mo was explaining who the characters were and everything. I sit on the couch

"You should feel honored" I tell Zayn

"Why is that?" He asks

"She never lets anybody sit in her blue chair especially with her." I tell him. He looks at Mo, she nods

"it's true" she says smiling. Zayn had to go about an hour later. Mo was going to the bathroom when I heard her scream. I run to the bathroom and bang on the door.

"Mo, what's going on?!" I yell. She bursts out of the door
"I'm pregnant!!" She yells holding up the test.

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