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We were in the car and Meghan was all over Luke, he would push her away every now and then, because she was practically trying to remove his pants with all of us in the car, nobody had told Luke anything yet. And I felt awful for not letting Luke now but we we're all scared that he'll start self harming again and maybe successfully jump off that ledge. I hear Meghhan's annoying, high pitched cackle. I just ignored her, running my fingers through my thick hair. Niall rubbed my shoulder soothingly.I take a deep breath, trying to not just explode and tell Luke what a whore he's dating, she wants him for the fame, she makes me want to throw up. "We should all watch a movie at me and Chrissi's house" Niall says smiling widely, his white teeh shining, his smile makes me feel so, amazing. It's like being really cold, and then taking warm/hot water and splashing it on your bare chest, a warm sensation spreading through your body. "Yeah" Mo agrees "Yeah" Zayn says rubbing little circles on Mo's back. "mhmm" Liam hums, running his fingers through Aspyn Nicole's hair, who had fallen asleep on Li's chest. "Yeah" Harry nods smiling widely next to Sierra. When did Sierra get here? I don't care she's super sweet. "Yeah" Lou said sighing, he missed Eleanor and we could all tell. "That sounds good" Michael said smiling. "Yeah" Calum said grinning. "Yeah" Ashton said nodding his head. "Ok" Meghan said sitting there with her legs wide upen, in those stupid leopard short shorts. I pursed my lips tightly. I am so tempted to just be like 'cough WHORE cough' Niall could feel my tension, rubbing my shoulders a little more. I let my body lean against his. Snuggling my head into his chest.

We got to me and Ni's, we all got out of the big suburban. Heading into our house, Meghan tripped over her shoes, falling onto her hands and knees, and ripping a hole in her shorts. I jogged in the house holding onto Mo's wrist dragging her inside, we got in sprinted to our bedroom, and I couldn't contain my laughter any longer. We burst out laughing, falling on my bed laughing until our stomachs hurt. We heard the house door open, we made our laughter a little quieter but still laughing. I heard the door open to see Niall and Zayn standing there chuckling. "She deserved it" Zayn said shaking his head. I laughed, Mo was scratching her back. "Hey can I borrow something to wear? This dress is getting itchy, and the pregnant lady doesn't like to be uncomortable" Mo said smiling wide. "Yeah sure, shoo boys we got to get changed" I said waving them off. "It's not like I haven't seen everything" Zayn said shaking his head. Mo's cheeks look like a cherry threw up on them. She was beet red. I went through my clothes, finding something that would fit Mo, because she's like five inches shorter than I am. I found pajama shorts and a T-shirt that she could wear. She slipped them on and I grabbed a spaghetti strap and pajama pants, I don't have anyone to impress. I didn't do anything with my hair but braid it. We walked out there, both of our phones charging in our room. We sat down. It went: Zayn, Mo, Me, Niall, Meghan, Luke, Liam, Aspyn Nicole, Lou, Calum, Sierra, Harry, Ashton, Michael. "What movie should we watch?" Liam asks, running his hands over Aspyn Nicole's shoulders. "POWER RANGERS" Monique yells throwing her hands in the air. We all laugh, except for Meghan who just rolled her eyes. "You've loved power rangers since you were like 10" Luke says, giving Mo a bright smile. Mo's eyes light up with some unknown memory with Luke. "We used to watch it together and argue over who got to be what power ranger" Monique says chuckling, "You never wanted to be one of the girl power rangers" Luke says shaking his head. Monique chuckles, "leave me alone, the girl power rangers aren't as cool" Mo says defensively. Meghan looks irritated, "but you-" Luke is cut off because Meghan crushes her lips against Luke's. Luke pushes her away, giving her a pissy look that says 'get off of me I'm trying to have a conversation' he turns back to Mo, "We should watch like the conjuring" Luke says smirking. "No, no, no" I say loudly, shaking my head. "Why not Chris?" Lou asks. "I've never seen a scary movie... like ever" I admit looking down. I feel Niall's hand on my shoulder "I'll protect you" Niall whispers in my ear sexily. I feel my cheeks turning pink, Monique smirks immediately. "Well I guess that's what we're watching" Liam says, his arms around Aspyn Nicole tightly. Harry puts it in, cuddling in next to Sierra as soon as he comes back from the the blue ray player. I settle myself into Niall's lap. Ready to be scared out of my wits. I would curl up tightly against Niall, not looking most of the time. "Love, I've got to go to the bathroom" Niall whispers in my ear. I curl up against the couch, he'd been gone for like 20 minutes, so I decided to go get my phone off the charger in my room, and check what was taking so long, as I was walking to the bathroom/our room. That's when I noticed Meghan wasn't in her seat. I go to our room, I can her a feminine voice, and I hear Niall's. I put my ear against the door and hear their conversation. "No Meghan I'm engaged. And you're in a relationship" I hear Niall say, his steady voice ringing through the door. "Oh come on baby, I just want to have a little fun, she doesn't even have to know" I hear Meghan coo to Ni. "You know you're interested in a little of... this" I hear Meghan whisper trying to be sexy. "I'll have you know, I'm not the slightest bit interested and no, get off of me" I hear Niall say, steadily, pronounciating each word, his irish accent making his words sound even better. "If you don't want me on you, shove me off, hit me if you really don't" she says, I can feel her smirk through the door. "No, Meghan, that isn't right, that isn't moral. I don't hit women, I'm not a no good piece of crap" Niall says, now obviously irritated. I decide this is the time, I'll walk in to go get my charger. I open the door. To see Meghan pressing her body against Niall, who's shoved against the bathroom door. Looking more than uncomfortable. Niall's eyes go wide. "Baby, I'm not... it's not what it looks like" Niall says, his eyes widening in fear. I chuckle, "I heard your little conversation. No worries. Meghan, get away from my fiancee, right now. Get your slutty butt in the living room and do not say a word" I say, incredibly pissed off. Meghan walks out rolling her eyes and giving me the finger. Niall lets out a deep sigh "I hate her" I grumble, pulling my phone off the charger. I feel Niall's arms wrap around me, his firm, muscular arms wrapping around my waist. "We all do... I'm sorry" Niall whispers. I give him a small smile. "We have to go back and watch the movie" I say, wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug. He smiles, "They can wait 20 minutes" he whispers huskily in my ear. I chuckle giving him peck on the lips, then taking his hand and leading him to the living room. He pulls me into his lap once again. His arms protectively wrapped around my torso. My head nuzzled comfortably in his shoulder. We sat and watched the rest of the movie

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