Zo has set sail

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I let Monique and Zayn be alone for a  while after I sent the proposal to all the boys. I started driving to Niall's I hadn't seen him for a couple days. I pulled up and Niall came out he hugged me, "so they're getting married?" Niall asks. "yes, I'm the maid of honor" I tell him proudly. He smiles. "of course you are" Niall laughs. "and she's pregnant" I tell him. "yeah, that's awesome." He smiles "I'm an aunt and you're an uncle" I say. "not through blood relations, but it's probably an even closer relationship'"Niall says smiling. "I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl.."  I say. "He'll have to tell his parents,  and the directioners" Niall sighs. "You know I used to be a directioner" I tell him. "Yo uaren't anymore?" Niall says acting offended. "Well I do really like the blonde Irish one" I say slowly. "You do?!" Niall asks. "Yeah, he's super cute" I say , "I was going for sexy as hell but you know, 'cute'  works too"  Niall says. We sit down on Niall's couch,  "We should  go somewhere for a couple of weeks" Niall says. "But... Monique..." I say. "Zayn will take care of her. He'll love it." Niall says eagerly. "But where would we go?" I ask him. "Mullingar, I want you to meet my parents" Niall says, his blue eyes lighting up. He looks at me awaiting an answer. "Ok." I say, it had been a while since me and Niall had a long time a alone. I'm so nervous about meeting his parents what if they don't like me? "You can meet Greg and Theo too!" Niall says bursting with joy. "Umm when will we leave?" I ask. "Tomarrow morning" Niall smiles. "I need to pack..." I tell him. "Ok, I'll help" he says grabbing his keys.

We get to the house Zayn and Mo are curled up asleep on Mo's blue chair. Niall takes a picture of them and tweets it. We go into my room quietly packing my stuff. We go into the kitchen, and make ramen noodles. Zayn's phone goes off, and wakes them up. Zayn looks at his phone. Five minutes later he looks up at us "Really Niall?"  Zayn says holding up his phone showing the picture of him and Monique. Mo sits up and looks at the picture. "Hey you didn't make me any?" Mo says guesturing towards our food. "Sorry, Mo" I tell her. She reaches over and pokes Zayn in the side for no reason. He laughs "We're going to Mullingar" I blurt out. "what...?" Monique says cluelessly. "me and Niall are going to Mullingar" I say slower this time. Zayn winks at Niall and mouthes something that I didn't understand.

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