1.5 | in one ear and out the other

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in one ear and out the other

as told by char

I don't know about you, but I did not listen to one word the teachers said. It basically went in one ear and out the other, because I was in so much awe that a boy- I mean, you- were staring at me.

I am still pondering how your eyes did not start bleeding.

The thing is, I know you were not enjoying what you were looking at. I mean, honestly, why would anyone think that I was even somewhat attractive, or funny, or anything that would attribute to a girlfriend that someone would want to stick around? I know that sentence was drowning in self pity and hatred, but it is true. I have had a boyfriend, but only one, and he cheated on me with a prettier, bustier, skinnier girl that I now despise with all my might. You cannot blame me for comparing myself to other girls because of that.

So when your face, your smile, popped up in my head and started taking up the precious space for my required freshman knowledge, like my locker code and how to get to my classes and syllabuses and all that first-day-of-school crap, I forced it out.

I knew I was being delirious. No one would be thinking about me the way I wanted them to.

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