1.10 | eye contact

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eye contact

as told by char

You did not talk to me again the next day. The bus was excruciatingly loud and I probably wouldn't have been able to hear you anyway, but I still kind of wished you would have talked to me. We made eye contact, though, which I think is a good start.

This time, I barely listened to my friends when they told stories and gossiped. I kept wanting to turn back and look at you and smile, but I was too afraid. I'm too afraid to do many things. I wish I wasn't, but I can't change who I am, unfortunately.

I thought about you during school, too. I wondered when I would muster up the courage and say hi. Maybe you'd do it first. I was sort of hoping it would be you who started the conversation. I was too awkward for my attempts to end sucessfully.

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