2.14 | secrets, secrets

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secrets, secrets

as told by char

I burst out laughing when you walked away from me and your sister. Your face turned as red as tomatoes and you looked as if you wanted to put a bullet in your brain. I wanted to hug you and tell you that there was nothing to be worried about, because I enjoyed how enthusiastic your sister was, but I didn't.

"He's such a baby," said your sister as we watched you turn the corner. "He's always been like that. But, seriously, you guys would be such a cute couple. Why aren't you dating yet? It's more of a friends with benefits thing, huh?"

I flashed a smile. "I suppose. I mean, we haven't done anything romantic or, like, you know... farther... or anything. I don't know. I mean I guess we...I don't know." I stumbled over my words. My heart was pounding like a mallet against glass. I only felt like that when you were around, and even though it was probably unhealthy for my blood circulator to be beating as hard as it was, I enjoyed it.

Your sister grinned at me, a spark flashing in her eyes. I wasn't completely sure what it was at that moment, but later that day I was laying in bed and I thought about it a lot and I concluded that what I saw was admiration towards you and I together. That made me want to scream into my pillow that night.

Anyway, she asked if she should go get you, but instead I decided that the job was for me. She just giggled more and nodded, telling me to meet her in the ice cream shop across the street when I was done. The two of us parted ways, me towards the corner that you turned on and her to grab some icy goodness even though it was starting to get cold.

You were sitting in the passenger side of your sister's car (I assumed it was her's because there was a huge pink bumper sticker on it reading, "Save the Elephants!" even though elephants and the color pink had nothing to do with each other) when I arrived. You had your eyes closed and your head leaning against the seat, looking completely defeated.

I walked around the vehicle with my hands in my pockets and opened the driver's door, sliding into the seat.

Me: Hi, Everest Logan.

You: Hello, Charlotte.

Me: No Marie? I'm offended.

You laughed.

Me: I'm serious.

You: I'm sorry.

Me: It's okay. Why did you come out here? I was excited to see you.

You: Yeah, and my sister was too excited to see you.

Me: ...you're embarrassed.

You: ...

Me: Why?

You: She knows things.

Me: Such as?

You: ...

Me: Secrets, secrets, are no fun.

You: You still haven't told me about your personal darkness.

Me: Touche.

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