2.13 | ignorance and snooping

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ignorance and snooping

as told by everest

"Take me to her!" my sister said, grabbing my arms.

You see, Charlotte, this was why I didn't tell my family things, especially my sister. She should have gotten a degree in ignorance and snooping. Like, as one degree, because she was ignorantly snooping into my personal life by asking all these questions about you, thinking you were my girlfriend when you clearly were not.

"No," I replied. "That would be super creepy."

"Why is everything creepy with you?" She lowered her hands by her sides and sighed. "No, don't go to that store, the lady behind the counter, she's creepy. Don't see that movie, that movie is creepy. I'm not letting you see Charlotte because that would be creepy. Oh my god, Everest, its not creepy! I just want to meet her!"

I rolled my eyes.


I sighed. Why do big sisters have to be so irritating? Most people think that its the younger siblings that really get to you (and I'm not going to deny the fact that my baby sister annoyed the living hell out of me), but it was the elder one that would never stop bugging me about things. Sometimes I wanted to find the duct tape and wrap every square inch of her face in it.

Unfortunately that was not an option because she'd probably use self defence mechanisms and have me pinned to the ground before I could even touch her. So, I look at her and say, "We can go into town and if we see her, kudos for you. If we don't, tough luck."

She let out this high pitched squeal that made me laugh, and then we slipped on our shoes and our jackets and she lead me to her small rundown car so we could drive into the city square. As we drove there, she made me promise that if I saw you, I would acknowledge it and not pretend that you weren't there. It was smart of her to make me swear to that, because I probably would have acted like I didn't see you.

The two of us walked down the street; she was blabbering about her college life and I was trying to keep my eyes on the concrete so there wasn't a possibility of me seeing you. My sister would embarrass you so badly that you would want to crawl under a rock and live there forever.

Too bad that you didn't know that.

"Everest!" My heart sunk. You ran over to me and I looked up and you were just a few feet away, your thin hair blowing against the wind and a smile painted over your red lips. You were so beautiful.

Our conversation went like this:

Me: Hi, Charlotte Marie.

My sister: Marie? Oh my god, get married!

I walked away after that.

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