Untitled Part 2

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Beep, beep, beep 

I awoke to the sound of my iPhone 6 space grey alarm going off, I hit the stop button and got out of my bed and walked into my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before going walking out of the bathroom and walked into my wardrobe. When I was in my wardrobe I picked out a pair of short denim shorts, a grey tee with burgundy rims, burgundy and white converses with black sunglasses and my favourite bangle. After putting my clothes on I put my hair in a plat leading into a messy bun and put naturel foundation, nude I shadow and nude lip stick on.

As I walked out of the house I grabbed my river island bag and car keys. I walked over to my white BMW with burgundy inertia and pulled out of the drive way and started to drive to school. My phone beeped and I looked over to see I had a message from Sophie, I opened the message and it said 'Bad news the boys have been replaced as the 'it' boys.' I couldn't believe that my brothers have been replaced and with that thought I pulled into the head badass parking space.

I got out of the car and began to walk towards the front doors but was stopped when I heard a bunch of boys in a circle shouting at someone in the middle. Curiosity got the better of me so I began to walk over to them as I got closer one sent hit me like a bull dozer... Demon.

"You are so lucky that the prince isn't here!" One boy shouted and I heard something fall to the ground.

"why are you even hear? You are just some paretic loser!" someone shouted before they began to fade out into different directions I continued to walk towards where the group was standing and was shocked when I saw what was laying on the floor before me.

There was a boy that must have been a couple of months younger than me laying on the floor covered in black and blue bruises. He had brown hair and emerald green eyes. he was dressed in black ripped jeans and an Artic Monkeys sweat-shirt.

I stopped walking and looked down at the battered boy. I kneeled on one knee and put a hand on his shoulder as he looked up I could see more cuts on him than I have ever saw be-fore.

I took a deep breath and asked "Are you okay, I saw what they done to you?" he considered my eyes and could see all the pain he must have went through all his life.

"Thank you for asking but you should really go before they come back." He whispered like he was sacred that they might hear him and reappear to punish him more.

"I'm sorry but no can do." I stated and got up off the floor. I put my hand out to help him up and said "The names Charlie."

He looked at my hand then to me before taking it and standing up. "Thanks, my name is Hunter." He said in a whisper. I could tell just by looking at him that he is a punching bag and has no self-esteem.

"Come on I need to get ready for the assembly." I said ready to walk towards the hall but I noticed the confused look on his face. "I'm the lead singer in a band called 'The Hellhounds' and we have to perform a song to the new students starting this year." He nodded and started to follow me towards the hall.

"So what group do you belong to in this school then?" He asked but more like whispered.

"Well I'm in the 'bad-ass' group, well more like 'It' bad-ass." I said with sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"Wait so you're the girl who apparently got arrested for having a gun on school premises." He asked but more like stated. I nodded my head and the atmosphere became silent.

I could tell that he was excited about being friends with me but I just hope to hell that Jessie doesn't come back this year.

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