Untitled Part 20

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Charlie's P.O.V

I woke up to Twenty-One Piolets playing, I rolled over to turn the music off only to find the music coming from the bath, connected to the bedroom I was in. I slowly sat up on the conferrable bed and took a look around the room.

I noticed the different type of rock band posters on the dark navy blue walls. I carried on looking around the room and I saw the floor covered in clothes, the window had pure white curtains, it had a walk-in wardrobe and the thing that caught my eye the most was the book shelf in the corner.

I stood up from the bed and walked over to the book shelf, I looked over the tittles seeing some that I have read before or at least heard of but one book had caught my eye, I picked the book up and looked it over. It was in excellent condition, the spine if the book was not bent and it looked untouched.

A throat cleared and I turned around to find a half-naked Damen standing in the door way of the bathroom with only a black fluffy towel, that hung dangerously low. I looked towards his chest to find water droplets on his delicious six-pack.

Wait what am I talking about, snap out of it Charlie, I mentally said to myself. I looked down at the floor trying to hide my face knowing that I was probably as red as a tomato. I looked up and my eyes immediately meet his chocolate row eyes

"You like what you see?" he said with a smirk that I just wanted to wipe of his face. I could even see his already massive ego growing bigger.

"Actually, I've seen better!" I said just so I could see the smirk wiped of his face but my plan had only backfired.

Damen dropped his towel and one look at Damen Jr had me running out of the room screaming bloody murder and no I'm not over exaggerating I was screaming but I wasn't the one screaming Bloody murder, that my friend was Nash because someone had walked past the just as I had opened it.

I ran behind Nash to shield my eyes from Damen, I could hear him running around his room quickly getting dressed. I heard him stop moving and looked over Nash's shoulder and saw him stand there in black ripped jeans and plain white top.

"What the hell?" Nash yelled stepping towards Damen but before he could answer Nash was in-truded by the rest of my brothers running towards us with what looked like anger in their eyes.

"It's not what you think!" Damen yelled stepping away from my maniac brothers that looked like they wanted to kill him.

"Then what happened?" Shawn asked calmly but I could see that on the inside all he wanted to do was tear him to piece.

Wait they can't hurt him; he might be a big ego jerk but he's my big ego jerk. Wait where did that come from? This boy might just be the death of me.

"Oh that's easy his towel had come undone and it just shocked me?" I said but it came out more like a question.

"Well don't let us catch this happening again!" my brothers shouted before walking away and back towards their rooms to get change for the gruesome day of school a head.

I walked into the room and put the book back in its place before walking into the bathroom with my clothes for the day a head but was stopped by a pair of arm wrapping around my waist stopping me from moving and by the tingles I knew that it was Damen. I turned around and leaned my lips up to his ear before biting it softly and walking into the bath room.

After doing my morning routine and putting my make up on, I put on my red nerd vest top on with my black washed out jeans and my black vans. I grabbed black killing it hat along with my black beats. I wonder when Damen had all of my stuff moved into his room.

I walked out of his room and down the stairs Justin time to see everyone walking out of the door, I joined them as we all walked to are cars but unfortunately Damen made me get in his car. It took around five minutes to get to the hell people call school.

I got out of the car and walked towards the school but stopped when I heard the voice of Damen screaming for me to wait. I slowly turned around and saw him running towards me but before he could get to me the school bell rang and everyone was walking to their classes.

Okay let's get this over with, six's hours until I can walk out of this hell and go back to sleep in Damen's bed.



So far this book is 54 pages long and has a count of 21034 words. I would also like to say that I'm working on a new book so the next chapter this book might take longer to upload but thanks for reading, next chapter should be up by next Monday.

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