Untitled Part 8

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Charlie's P.O.V

I woke up to my phone beeping. I buried my head into my pillow trying to drown out the sound. I throw the cover of me and picked my phone up. I had a text from Sophie. She must have gone home last night. I opened the message.

Sophie's text said 'Hey sister be ready in 10, me and the boys are taking you to the mall!' I laughed at the message because the boy hated the mall it was like hell to them even though hell is our birth place.

I texted back with 'Okay sure, I bet you guilt tricked my brother with the 'You know you love me' line' It was true because all she is the love of his life.

I jumped out of bed and walked into my wardrobe to find a perfect outfit. I picked out a grey vest top with 'Don't call me baby' on it, blue faded ripped jeans, black Converse and a black and white baseball cap. I curled my brown hair and added a few black and silver bangles. I walked out of my room grabbing my black and white skateboard.

I walked down stairs and saw the boys ready with their skate boards in hand. We walked out the house and sat down on the pavement waiting for Sophie.

"So we have a meeting with Lucifer next month." Nash says out of no-where and we all looked at him. "I don't know what the meeting is about so don't ask me." he held his hand up in the air.

"Where the hell is Sophie?" Camron said just as she came rolling down the road. "Speak of the devil and she shall appear." He whispered making us all laugh.

We all stood up and stared to skate towards the mall. I was about to cross the road when someone shouted my name, I turned around and looked for the person but no one was around. I looked at the guys and Sophie and the look confused.

"Did one of you call me?" I asked but they shook their heads and we carried on our way.

The voice sounded familiar but where have I heard it before. I was so caught up with trying to remember the voice that I didn't realise that we had reached the mall. We jumped off the skate boards and walked through the doors, the mall was packed with teenagers talking, laughing, eating, shopping and just having fun.

"So what shop first?" I asked them but already knew the answer.

"Pulp" they all shouted causing some people to look and me to laugh.

We all walked to ward pulp and was met with the most amazing site ever... A sale. Okay so I might be a bad-ass but I still do like a good barging and shopping. I walked over to the band t-shirts and brought: ten different bands tops, five pairs of ripped jeans, two band jumpers and a new pair of Converse All Stars in black. I paid for all my stuff and saw Nash carrying his bags plus Sophie's bags.

I walked over to them we waited for the Camron and Shawn to pay for their stuff, we were all done and started to walk around the mall until we saw the Dr. Marten store. We walked in and started to look around. I was looking at a pair of black leather boots when the door opened. I didn't take any noticed and picked the boots up to pay for them.

The woman scanned my boots and put them in the bag. "That will be 120 pounds please card or cash?" the woman said I was about to pay when someone gave the woman a card.

I turned around to see a boy that looked familiar but at the same time I didn't know him. The woman took the card and gave me the bag. I turned around to thank the boy but he was gone and so was his card as if he was never there. I walked out of the shop and met the group.

"Hey did any of you see a guy walk out of the shop?" I asked but they looked at me worried.

"Charlie, we were the only one in the shop." Shawn said coming close to me. "Are you okay because first you where hearing things and now you're seeing thing?" he asked putting his hand on my head.

"I'm just a little tired I guess I'm going to head home." I said pushing his hand away and walking out of the shop.

Once I was out of the shop I jumped on my skate board and was on my way home. I arrived home and walked through the door. I walked up the stairs and put my things away in my wardrobe. I was about to get in bed but I saw a note on my vanity table. I picked it up and un folded it.

'Dear daughter,

I have sent one of my warrior wolfs to look over you. I gave him some money to get you those boots you wanted hope you like them. I wish I could be there to help you through the next couple of months but I'm needed else-where. Just remember that you are not alone and tell that warrior wolf Jake he can talk to you and there is a spare room set up for him. I love you and your brothers.

Lots of love your mother.'

I can't believe she is still alive and is think about us. I ran down the stair and out the back door. I looked around the back garden and into the woods where I saw the white wolf star-ing at me. I walked closer to the wolf until I was in front of him.

"Jake, I know it you and that my mother sent you." The wolf huffed and nodded its head "She said there is a spare room in the house for you and that you can talk to us" I said be-fore he got up and walked to the nearest tree.

I heard bones cracking and popping. I looked around to find him some clothes but found out it was a waste of time because he already had close. He had brown hair and emerald eyes. Jake was dressed in a plaid top and jeans with Converse.

"Hello Charlie it nice to finally talk to in human form." He said bowing. I couldn't help but laugh at him "What's so funny Charlie?" he asked with a smirk

"Well for one you don't have to bow to me and let's get inside the house so we can get you settled in." I said to him before walking in the house.

I was in the living room with Jake when I heard the front door open. I looked up to find the boy with wide eyes looking from me to Jake. I was about to explain but Nash jumped at Jake and started to punch him. I jumped up and grabbed Nash by his top and pulled him of Jake who just laid there letting my stupid brother punch him.

"If you would have let me explain I would have told you that mother sent Jake" I said point-ing at Jake. "here to protect me and help us but instead you went and punched him!" I shouted at him, I helped Jake up and sat him on the sofa.

"I'm sorry Jake for punching you." Nash said putting his hand out in front of Jake to shake.

"It's okay I done worst to my Sister's mate last month." He said laughing at the memory "He ended up having a broken arm and a fractured rib." The boys clapped at that bit but I was shocked to be honest.

"What did her mate do and what title was he?" I asked before I could stop my-self.

"He was the alpha's first son and he knew that she was his mate months before she knew." He stopped and took deep breath. "He slept with other girls and was the schools man-whore, but that all changed after my little 'visit' if you know what I mean?" he said the last bit with a smirk.

After that I ordered pizza for me and the boys. We were sat around the little table in the liv-ing room talking and laughing at stories of our childhood. It was getting late so we all went to bed to get an early night sleep.

I got changed into a white t-shirt and black night shorts and was lead in bed but couldn't get a certain person out of my head, I found myself falling asleep with him on my mind after a hour.

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