Untitled Part 25

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Shawn's P.O.V

I looked down at the girl in my arms the was peacefully sleeping while me, Charlie, Nash, Cameron, Sophie, Damen and jessie stood around us staring at the girl. I watched as her arm would twitch now and then.

I slowly stood up with Alice in my arms and looked around the room to find it completely empty except for me and the others. I looked towards my Sister to find her looking happy and very excited.

"We should take her back to Damen's place before the hunters get here." Sophie said walking towards the doors without stopping.

"What will happen to her now?" I asked waiting for anyone to answer my question.

"She will start to become strong, hear better and have enhanced ability. She will have the same ability's as Sophie only that she can't shift." Jessie answered back without looking at me. "She will be in danger so I suggest keeping her away from any paranormal creature or hunter because they will want to use her to heal anything they want and take over."

We stopped walking once we reached the cars and started to pile in, I was sat in the back of Damen's car while him and my sister were in the front seats. We sat in silence while diving towards the palace.

We reached the palace and walked to the infirmary to get Alice checked out, no one could see her. I was anxious to see is she was okay and hold her in my arms again.

The room was completely silent until the door banged open and Lucifer came walking into the room, his face was bank no emotion showing but that all changed when he saw Char-lie.

"Charlie, someone is waiting for you in my office and he would like to see you alone." Lu-cifer said and made a hand gesture that she should be on her way.

Charlie walked out of the room but Lucifer stayed back not looking anyone in the eye. I could tell something serious is about to happen. We all know that the hunters are going to attack in two month's but we will be ready to fight them.

"Father what is the meaning of this?" Damen asked his father and when he looked up I could see sadness. "Father what's wrong?"

"The Hellhound king has come and he is taking Charlie back to the underworld." He said looking back down at the floor and that when we heard shouting coming from upstairs.

I was about to stand when I heard something shocking.

Charlie's P.O.V

I walked towards the office but stopped in my tracks when the door opened reliving my father. I stared at him not saying or moving.

"What no hug?" he said but it wasn't a question more like a demand. I stared at him as if he had lost his head, my father wasn't the type to show emotion, he was more like the one who just didn't care.

"Hello, father what may I do for you?" I asked walking closer to him so I was standing in front of him.

"Ah, straight to business I see." He said laughing a bit before carrying on. "You have to come home so you can start planning for the wadding between you and Scott." I looked at him shocked.

"What do you mean wedding? And who the hell is Scott?" I asked my dear old father in shock and confusion.

"I mean the wedding to unite the James family and the Valentine family, it has been planned ever since you and Scott were born." He said as if it was nothing.

"I'm not going anywhere!" I shouted at my father at the top of my lungs.

"I am your father and king you will do as I say!" he shouted back as his eyes turned from blue to red. "Now go collect your thing and we will be on are way, Scotts in the car and is becoming impatient." He said somewhat calmly but I was anything but calm.

I was about to say something else but was interrupted when someone turned me around and kissed we but I quick to push them away and wipe my mouth. I looked up to be meet with the jock from school that had stood up to Nico.

"What the hell man?" I yelled at him getting ready to hit him but was interrupted when someone grabbed my arm.

"How dare you disrespect me like that! You are my Fiancée and you will do what I say." He yelled at the top of his voice throwing me to the ground making a loud bang echo through the hall.

I stood up and fixed my hair. "I will never marry you!" I said with venom dripping my words.

He just laughed and stepped towards me until we were face to face and said three simple words. "You have no choice."

The door opened and I saw a very pissed off Damen stalking towards Scott. I was about to run to him but was stopped when Scott grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards his chest.

I screamed and kicked trying to get out of his hold and get to my mate but it only made his grip tighten. I looked towards Damen though my watery eyes and saw him on the edge of turning into his dark angle that no one has saw yet.

"Prince Damen, how nice to see you but I'm sorry we must be going now." My father said and started to walk towards the door but stopped when the shredding of fabric was heard.

"Let go of her!" Damen said as his dark as night wings came out of his back. And started to flap in the wind.

"I'm sorry Prince Damen but I can't do that you see she has to come with me and plan for her and Scotts wedding." He said simply before carrying on walking out the door.

"DAMEN!" I screamed as they started to push me out of the house but before they could get me out I kicked Scott in the balls and started to run for my mate but was tackled to the floor.

"she's mine!" I heard someone scream as the pressure was lifted at slowly sat up to find Damen standing in front of me so that they couldn't get to me. "You will not touch her she belongs to me!"

"Dame, stop his stop once!" some on shouted from the side door.

I looked over to find Lucifer, my brothers, Sophie and Jessie stood there with shocked expressions while staring at the scene in front of us. I looked towards my father and saw that was looking livid.

"What do expect me to do they are trying to take my mate away from me!" He shouted at his father but I saw my father look at us confused before he connected what was happening right in front of him.

"You can't stop them from taking her, she's betrothed to him." His father said defeatedly looking towards my father and nodding and that's when I was pulled over Scotts shoulder being carried out of the castle.

Before they shut the door I slowly whispered the only thing I could to the love of my life. "I love you."

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