Untitled Part 24

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Jessie's P.O.V

I woke up the next day and got ready just putting on washed out jean, a white top, black leather jacket, and black Nikes. I walked out of the front door and down the pathway until I stopped in front of my silver BMW convertible, I got in and drove to the school where I saw my friends all my friends waiting by the doors.

I parked and began to walk towards James, Travis and Mason. I watched as they talked in hush voices already knowing that I was back and that I needed their help overthrowing my father. I got closer and with that they spotted me, meeting me half way.

"Hey man!" Travis yelled bringing me into a bro hug, I did the same with everyone else until I spot-ted someone with dark blue hair going into a bright pink hair.

The mysterious girl turned around and that's when I saw Charlie. She was the girl with crazy but amazing hair. She was wearing a pair of plain jeans and a plain black top, she had always dressed simple but elegant.

That's when I remembered what my father said and before I knew what I was doing I had Charlie over my shoulder with her screaming until I had made it into a deserted class room and put her down on the floor.

"What the hell man!" she screamed at me while pointing a figure at me.

"We have a problem." I stated simply just standing there looking in to her eyes.

"And what may this so called 'problem' be?" she said making air quotes around the word 'prob-lem'.

"I just got back yesterday and over heard my father talking, he plans on taking down Damen then taking you hostage and taking over the demon world in two months' time." I said shifting my weight from on foot to another.

I looked at her to find pure shock but that was soon replaced with anger and that's when her eyes turned a dark blood red colour. I took a step back as she started to shake out of control, I was about to say something when the door was banged open and Damen ran over to Charlie.

"She's about to shift run, NOW" he yelled just before I heard clothes shredding and bones cracking and repairing.

I ran out of the room and down the hall way until I found her brother and a unknown girl, oh well. I stopped running trying to catch my breath as I stood I front of her brothers. I looked at her brother as they stared at me like I was crazy.

"Charlie... Damen... help them quick." I panted out in between pants for air just as her brothers left quickly leaving the girl with me.

I looked over the girl and found that her hair was blue and she kind of wore nerdy looking cloths but at the same time they were quite stylish. The girl looked confused so obviously, she was hu-man and had no clue what was going on.

"Hello, my name is-" I was cut off as she finished my sentence.

"I know who you are. You're Mr badass/popular and before you ask not interested." She said with a bit of an attitude, yep she will definitely fit in with us.

"Well nice to meet you too..." I said trailing of not knowing her name.

"Alice." Was her short reply to my question, "So, what was all of that about?" she questioned.

"You will find out soon." Was all I said as I began to walk away to my next lesson.

The lessons where going by in a blur and I noticed I had a few lessons with my darling sister, Cleo and her idiot husbanded, Ash. He wasn't that bad I just don't like the fact that he's f*cking my sis-ter. I was walking towards the lunch room when I noticed people crowding around a small area in lunch room, as I got closer I noticed that Shawn was down on a stool sing to the Alice girl.

"Re-rewind Friday night, never forget it

How you let me go

No more lies I'll be fine I know where I'm headed

Probably should've known

And now you're gonna say, "Pretty, please forgive me."

Fool me once, told you twice you're gonna regret it

Now you're all alone, yeah

Turns out that no one can replace me

I'm permanent, you can't erase me

I'll help you remember me

One more kiss is all it takes

I'll leave you with the memory

And the aftertaste

Close your eyes, you can't hide

Try to forget me, but I'm everywhere

I'm the smell on your sheets

you weren't ready when you left me there

And now you're gonna say, "Pretty, please forgive me." Yeah

Bet it hurts, it gets worse, you know nobody, said it would be fair, oh

Turns out that no one can replace me

I'm permanent, you can't erase me

I'll help you remember me

One more kiss is all it takes

I'll leave you with the memory

And the aftertaste

And now there's something in your way

'Cause you threw it all to waste

And you wonder if you could take back what you did that day

And it hurts, 'cause...

Turns out that no one can replace me

I'm permanent, you can't erase me

I'll help you remember me

One more kiss is all it takes

I'll leave you with the memory

And the aftertaste

Truth is that no one can replace me

I'm permanent, you can't erase me

I'll help you remember me

One more kiss is all it takes

I'll leave you with the memory

And the aftertaste

And the aftertaste" everyone started to clap and cheer as he got down on one knee and pulled out a red rose giving it to Alice.

Alice put one hand to her mouth shocked but just as Shawn was about to talk the glass window was shattered and people started to scream running for cover.

I looked around and found three rogues standing in front of the shattered window. We were all about to started fighting but a loud scream made us turn towards Alice, her scream sent the wolves flying back out the window and onto the school fields.

Alice fell to the floor with blood dripping from her nose, I looked at Cleo to find he looking at Cleo like she had saw this happen before. I was about to say something but I was something glowing, looking towards the girl in Shawn's arm I saw glowing emitting from the girl's chest.

"She's a healer." Cleo and Charlie said at the same time as we stared at the girl.

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