Untitled Part 14

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Damen's P.O.V


I walked aimlessly around the streets, I could hear a faint buzzing of cars, people talking and the birds tipping in the trees that surround this small town. I could smell the fresh cut grass and fresh rain from the down pour. I couldn't help but feel empty for some reason but hopefully that will all stop once the clock strikes midnight tonight.

You see when a demon turns sixteen they are destined to find their soul mate but I don't know if I ready for the responsibility of a mate. What if she rejects me? What if she is already in a relation-ship? What if she is dead? But worst of all, what if she is human? I would fear losing my temper and hurting her.

I neared the castle that my father had built, well more like summoned in the human realm. I was nervous to see what sort of ball my father was organising, all I knew was the theme was black and white.

I walked through the castle door and was instantly meet with the bundle of joy that we call Ava followed by a very tired looking Malia. I could smell the fresh cooked food of all sorts; I could hear the instructions of where each piece of food, drink, equipment and tables were meant to go. In could also see my fellow demons rushing around the room trying to get everything sorted in time, people where bumping into each other and excusing themselves.

I walked towards Malia and saw that she had a glimpse of happiness in her eyes, Ava came running up to me and jumped into my arms. I pulled her into a tight hug while she giggled and tried to free herself.

"Malia, what a nice pleasure to see you." I said pulling her into a hug but she seemed tense unlike the other times we had done this. "Are you okay? You seem tense." I questioned her will placing Ava on the floor.

"It's nothing just missing Jake I guess, we haven't face-timed in two days." She said as her smile turned into a frown. I couldn't remember any demon called Jake but then it might not be a demon. "Oh, I totally forgot to tell you... I found my mate!" she all but yelled gaining everyone's attention.

"Oh, my god congrats but I better meet him and see if he good enough for my childhood friend." I said placing an arm around her shoulder and guiding her to my room so she can help me choose a tux.

After four hours of going through my wardrobe we had agreed on an all-black tux and a blood red bow tie. I had my hair styled like I had just got out of bed but in a good way look. I didn't rally want to wear the traditional shoes that every guy wear at a ball so I put my black Dr marten boots on un-derneath my trousers.

I walked out of my room and towards the doors of the ballroom. The doors opened and all heads turned to look at me, all the supernatural creatures of the world and some of the humans bowed their head to me to show their respect.

"Welcoming the prince of darkness his self, Damen!" the announcer said, people clapped and cheered as I walked towards the dance floor.

Walking around the room I could hear my new friends singing and playing. The room was sur-rounded with men in black suites and white ties while the girls had ever black or white dresses on. I walked aimlessly around the room looking for a certain individual.

I was tapped on the shoulder, I turned around and found a girl about fifth teen with bleached blond hair and ocean blue eyes standing there. She had a white dress that came just past her thigh, her face looked like she had just got a rolling pin, rolled it in foundation and rolled it over her face.

"Prince Damen, would you care to-" she was cut off half way through her sentence by the an-nouncer.

Everyone looked up to find a couple that was dressed in all black and both had masks on covering half their faces. "Queen Cleo of the vampire kingdom and her mate Ash." They began the descend the stair case and walk towards my father.

Next was a tall man dressed in a white suit and black tie, he had a black mask covering his eyes. he whispered something into the announcer's ear and they both nodded their heads. "Announcing Jake Evens."

I heard someone scream and looked around to see Malia running towards the man in the white suite, well I guess that was the Jake she was talking about earlier. She jumped onto him and wrapped her arms around his neck. I could tell that he was a good man by the way he looked into her eyes and I could see nothing but love and aberration.

"As I was saying would you like to-" the blond girl began again but was cut off by the sound off the door opening a banging close. "Oh, come on!" the blond chick screamed in frustration.

Looking around I saw every one staring at the door and whispering about the person. I looked up to see a girl no younger than me in a blood red dress that matched my tie. The dress was a love heart bodice that had gold studs over it and flared out at the bottom. It was simple but elegant at the same time. She was wearing a plain red masque that matched the dress covering her face.

I watched as my father walked up towards the girl, she bowed down but my father laughed and place a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and smiled at my father he returned it with a genuine smile.

"I would like to announce this person myself." My father said and turned towards the girl. "Please welcome princes Rose of the hellhounds!" he shouted while he offered the girl his arm she took it and they descended the stairs.

"Well I guess someone never got the memo but any way would you like to dance?" the girl asked well more like stated, taking my hand and pulling me towards the dance floor.

We began to dance and I focused on the song that had started to play.

"I used to believe

We were burnin' on the edge of somethin' beautiful

Somethin' beautiful

Selling a dream

Smoke and mirrors keep us waitin' on a miracle

On a miracle" The music went dead and all the light went out. I was about to yell for the guards when...

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