Untitled Part 10

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Charlie's P.O.V

I was a waken by a voice whispering my name. I was about to get up when my door was thrown open and my brothers came running into my room looking scared. I was about to ask what the matter was when Jake's wolf came barging in.

I looked in to his eyes and could tell that his wolf was in control. I slowly got out of my bed and sniffed slowly kneeled in front of him. I could tell that Jake's wolf was giving control back, I looked up at my brothers to find them looking out the window.

'There is a vampire on the territory get changed into your clothes and bring weapons.' Jake said in my head.

We had all got changed into are assassin outfits and was walking out of the house, me and Jake went to the northern boarder while Nash, Cameron and Shawn went to the south boarder. I was jumping tree from tree noticed someone running towards us.

I pulled my bow out and loaded an arrow I was about to shoot when I smelt rosses, I knew that smell it was...Emily.

I jumped down and landed on her back pushing her to the floor. I started to laugh but I heard growling coming from one of the bushes. I knew straight away that it was Jake so I mind linked him.

'Jake it's okay she's a friend.' I say and got a simple okay in return.

I got up and helped her up as well. She looked up and I could tell she was scared but I didn't know what of. I was about to help her but I heard three sets of feet banging against the floor before I was in group hug with the boys and Emily.

"Emily, what a pleasant surprise but may I ask why you are here?" I asked as the sixes of us was walking around the woods.

Emily took a deep breath and said the one thing I was dreading "Cleo has been taken." She looked down and I could see tearing trying to escape.

"What happened?" Shawn said kneeling down in front of Emily.

"We were walking the castle grounds laughing when we heard a scream and the guards started to run into the woods. I took Cleo to the safe place but was cornered, that's when Ash came out of nowhere; he set of a smoke grenade and I blanked out." She said as her whole body was shaking from the memory.

"I get that Cleo was taken but why not just use your bond to locate her?" I asked while walking pacing in front of her.

"I can't feel the bond anymore it as if something has happened..." she said thinking but then it was as if something had come to her mind "What if she had found her mate? she had just eighteen yesterday."

"Well that would make sense, if her mate was near it would cause your warrior bond to be weak-ened." A vice said from the bushes. I pulled my bow out and aimed at the voice, I hear the person coming closer.

Jake came out of hiding and stood in front of me growling at the mysterious person. I could feel my brothers become suspicious through the hellhound link we shared. The person stepped out of the bush and we were all shocked.

Jessie's P.O.V

I had lost Emily but carried on walking. I had been walking for about an hour when I heard voices in the distance. I hurried up walking but made sure I was as silent as a mouse. I came closer and hid behind a bush.

"We were walking the castle grounds laughing when we heard a scream and the guards started to run into the woods. I took Cleo to the safe place but was cornered, that's when Ash came out of nowhere; he set of a smoke grenade and I blanked out." A girl's voice said that I had heard before, I think it was Emily.

I wanted to run out from behind the bush but kept myself from running my chance to find my half-sister. I can't believe that for sixteen years I never knew that I had an older sister and I was deter-mined to meet and protect her.

"I get that Cleo was taken but why not just use your bond to locate her?" the voice of rose the as-sassin that has been taking out my men for the last year said to Emily.

"I can't feel the bond anymore it as if something has happened..." Emily said thinking but then it was as if something had come to her mind "What if she had found her mate? she had just eighteen yesterday."

Before I could stop myself, I blurted out "Well that would make sense, if her mate was near it would cause your warrior bond to be weakened." That caused all of the people to become on alert, I mentally cursed myself I stared to walk closer to them. I could hear growling and that only means there is a wolf out there.

I stepped out in the opening and saw the wolf from when I tried to take Charlie, Rose's teammates and Emily looking at me with a confused face. Rose kept her arrow pointed at me while I stood in front of them.

"What are you doing on my land hunter?" one of the boys asked me point a gun at my head but before I could say anything Emily jumped in front of me.

"Look guys I have some shocking new about your hunter here." She said looking from me to her friends "He is Cleo's half-brother on her mother's side." They all nodded their heads and put their weapons down but the wolf carried on growling.

"I'm here to help find my sister and take her home, where ever that is." I said taking a deep breath and standing tall.

"So, what's the plan?" one of the boys asked Emily.

"I was hoping one of you might have one." She said shyly, I heard a loud sigh come from beside me where rose was standing.

"I could always ask the Lucifer if we can have two months off and we can go look for Cleo." She said looking from the boys to Emily. "But there will be a down side to this, he would want payment in some kind of way." I could tell that what she was about to say I wouldn't like at all.

"And what would this payment be?" I couldn't stop myself from asking, she looked up and smirked.

"That's for him to know and us to find out." She said before jumping into one of the trees.

We were all standing in a circle when we heard a loud shout from one of the trees "Are you coming or what?" and with that we all started to run to who knows where.

I was falling behind all the others, I was about to quite when Emily pulled me on to her back and started to run. We had ended up at a rock in the middle of the woods. I was looking around and saw rose putting her palm against the rock. It lit up and started to disappear in its place was stares leading into the earth.

One hour later

We have been walking down this stair case for an hour and I feel like I'm not getting anywhere, the more we walk the hotter it becomes. I was becoming bored out of my mind all I could think of was: what my sister looked like, what her personality was like and most of all will she like me?

We came to a blood red door and stopped before entering it, Rose turned around and looked me straight in the eye and said "Do not question Lucifer or look him in the eyes!" she turned back to the door and opened it.

I walked through the door and saw a little town and it was full of demons. I was knocked out of my thoughts when I saw a beautiful girl about the same age. She looked up and smiled, I was about to walk over there but was stopped when one of the boy pulled me towards a different direction.

"I saw that little look you gave her then but if I was you I wouldn't event go there she the royal gaurs only daughter." He said to me as if it was nothing.

"Hey, I never got your name." I said to him

"All I can tell you is the call me death." He said before pulling away and walking in front of me but stopped and turned around "the other two are Orbit and night."

I was about to reply but stopped when I saw the gates to the biggest castle known to man but something caught my eye. In red letters 'inferos' was written meaning underworld in latin. We walked towards the gates and i was meet with lucifer...

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