Untitled Part 29

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Damen's P.O.V

It' been two days since Charlie was taken from me and I haven't left my office since, I was going over the betrothal of the marriage between Charlie and Scott but couldn't find a way out of it. The contract was as if it had been made by some one with good skill to hide the fine print.

I looked out of the window to see the moon at its fullest, shining down on the world. I could still remember walking in the moon light with Charlie, fingers entwined with each other's and not care in the world. She had a sparkle in her eyes that no one could get rid of.

I got up ready to walk out the room when a ray of the moon light shined through my office window and landed on the contract. I stared at the paper as the black ink is disappearing and being replaced with blue ink.

I walked over to the paper and slowly picked the paper up. As I read over the writing I couldn't stop the smile that made its way onto my face. I finally found it, my loop hole.

I ran out of the room calling everyone's names out as I ran towards the meeting room. I ran to-wards the stage and watched as worrier, servants, werewolf, hellhounds, demons and hunters walked through the door looking at me like I was a mad man.

"I Know how we can get Charlie back!" I shouted to everyone as I held the paper up in my hand. "They had found a way to hide the loop hole in plain sight but they have failed."

There was cheers from all around the room, people shouted out that they were going to get the queen back and that we will take down the enemy.

"Damen!" someone shouted as I looked around my eyes landed on Malia, she looked worried and scared. "They have moved the date of the wedding, it's tonight under the full moon."

"We will be leaving in ten minutes I want all men aged eighteen and up to come with me now go!" and with that said everyone left to get ready but what was about to happen no one saw coming...

Charlie's P.O.V

I watched as people came into the room caring bags and clothing. I looked at the people and saw that it was three girls that looked to be aged fifteen or a little older. One girl looked heartbroken while the other looked frightened.

"Rose stop crying, you have to get over him." On girl said as she started to pull what looked like make up out of the bag.

"How could you say that? He was my brother." She whispered as she sank to the floor, her head in her hands as she sobbed loudly.

"What's the matter?" I asked sitting next to her and putting a hand on her shoulder.

"They killed him because he didn't agree with what they are doing to you." She said looking up into my eyes and I could feel her emotions like I had been hit with a truck. "He should have just kept his stupid mouth shut and carried on walking but no, he had to disagree with what they said."

"I'm sorry that they had done that but I will promise that you will get your revenge one day on them." I said standing up and walking back to sit on the bed. "So, what are you doing here?" I questioned them.

"We are here to get you ready for the wedding?" she said but more like questioned with a confused look on her face as she looked at me.

"I thought the wedding wasn't until next week." I said standing up and walking towards the win-dow, looking out towards the woods to see people arriving from all around the world and different realms.

"They moved the date for some reason but we must hurry and get you ready before they come for you and put us back in the cells." She pushed me down into the chair by the mirror and stared to get all the equipment out.

They had spent hour on my make up, I could feel the foundation that was plastered on my face to the point that I couldn't smile. They had applied about ten layers of mascara and eyeline, I couldn't blink without my eyelashes getting stuck together. The only good looking thing about my appear-ance was the traditional with dress.

The dress had golden embroidery on the bodice, it flared out and flowed down to the floor. It wasn't my preferred type of dress but I had no choice in what dress I was wearing or who I was marrying.

I was looking in the body length mirror and couldn't help but think that the person staring back at me was a stranger and was the total opposite to me in every way possible. I looked down at my feet and saw my white Convers All Stars. What you may be able to make me wear make-up and a dress but you will never make me wear Heels.

I was standing just outside of the door holding my father's arm, much to my dismay. I could feel the burning sensation in my eyes, I wiped my eyes before the tears could fall. I kept my focus on the floor as we waited for the doors to open.

"Stop crying and smile before I put you in the dungeons, you will not make a fool of this family!" my father silently yelled at me before the doors opened and we began to walk down the aisle. "Remember you are to do whatever Scott tells you to do." He whispered before leaving me in the hands of Scott.

The priest was about to start to talk when the door was slammed open and shouting was heard before I spotted a certain group of people that I would jump in a bullet for. I heard the one and only man I have ever loved shout.


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