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chapter 31

Charlie's P.O.V

I awoke in a pair of muscular arms that constricted around my waist, i felt the hot breath on my neck making goose bump rise on my skin. There was tingles shooting through my body, I knew instantly who it was, Damen.

I turned around and stared at his chiseled face, I could feel the blush tinting my face red. I watched as his lips quirked into a smirk before he pulled me on top of his chest, his eyes staring right into mine.

I saw the distance between are faces getting less and less, are lips were centimetres away, are lips touched and he flipped us over so i was underneath him. I pulled his head back down to mine and was about to kiss him again when...

"OH, MY, GOD! My innocent eyes!" we heard someone say from the door.

I pushed Damen away and stood up to find Cameron standing in the doorway looking from me to my mate. I was about to say something when more people started to come into view, Looking over the face's I saw my best friends, Sophie, Cleo and Emily standing there with knowing smiles.

"Oh, Damen your so dead!" My brothers yelled will running into the room and jumping on top of him and trying to pin him under them.

I slowly walked towards the door where the girl stood and before the boys could notice that I have left, I was nearly by the door when a pair of arms snaked around my waist and pulled me against a chest. I heard the girls laugh as I was trapped by a unknown person.

I turned around to find Shawn looking at me with happiness, he pulled me into a bone crushing hug causing me to become breathless. I started to struggle and push him away which caused them all to laugh at me.

"Charlie, I've been so worried about you," He stoped speaking when he saw me struggling to get away from him. "are you okay?"

"Can't...Breath." I said between breaths.

"Sorry?" Shawn said more like a question, letting me go so I can breath.

I walked over to the bed and sat down where Damen was sat along with my brothers, we just sat there in silence just enjoying to peace and quite. I could sense everyone looking at me and that made me become nervous.

why are they all looking at me? Do i have something on my face?

"Guys what's the matter?" I asked sitting up and looking at them with a curious and frightened expression.

"Do you remember what happened yesterday?" he asked coming to stand in front of me, i shook my head and looked towards Damen. "I don't know how to say this but you need to um..."

"Just spit it out all ready!" I shouted becoming more nervous by the minute.

the next word made me become speechless.

"You have to be with child by the next full moon." Shawn said not taking a breath and looking at the floor the whole time.

The room went completely silent while I let the information sink in, I cant have child I'm only sixteen, what will my mum think? I look at Damen and saw a blank look on his face, he looked like he was in deep thought.

I stood up and walked over to the window that over looked the forest and village. what would happen if I did have a child with Damen? Would he want  a child or would he think of it as a burden?

"Would you want a child?" I said surprising both me and Damen.

"I have always wanted a child with you but I just wanted to make sure you were ready for that type of responsibility." Damen said standing up and walking towards me and wrapping me in his arms.

"Guys, I think that we should leave." Maila said before they all ran from the room leaving me and Damen alone.

I looked up into his eyes and could see they had turned pitch black with lust and love and before i knew it I was on the bed in nothing but my black bra and nickers. I looked up at Damen and saw him staring down at me waiting for m consent and with a single nod my life had became a lot more interesting.


Two weeks later

I looked out the window of the moving car as the trees swayed, the sun was beating Down on us as we traveled towards the blue, luscious, relaxing beach. Damen stayed silent in the front of the car with one of his hands resting on the inside of my thigh.

I looked over to him and saw him staring at the road but i could see the smirk that he was hiding, for the last two weeks me and Damen had decided that we would try to get as much time together as we can before we decide if we should try for you know, a child.

I sighed and looked out of the window, I could smell the salty sea water becoming closer, I hear the crashing of waves against the rocks and sea-shore. I looked forward and saw the beach was a couple of feet away from the car.

I jumped out the car and ran to the water while taking my tanks top and shorts off, don't worry I had a black bikini on under my cloths. Once I reached the water I dived into the water, the fresh water cleansing my skin as I dived deeper and deeper.

I watched as the vibrant and elegant fish swam around me,  suddenly they all disappeared and I was crushed against a chest and pulled up to the surface. I took in a deep breath as I turned around at stared into brown eyes that represented chocolate.

"I don't think I will be able to control my angle side any longer." He said breathlessly, his eyes switching from brown to black.

" So don't control your self." I said bitting my lip and pulling him closer to me, I could feel my hell hound taking control and before I knew what was happening I was lead on a bed in a wooden cabin...

A/N Sorry it took so long to upload this chapter, my
laptop was broken.

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