Untitled Part 4

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Charlie's P.O.V 

I was driving through town with Hunter, who was quite as a mouse. I pulled up to a red light and noticed that a black Hummer with tinted windows so I couldn't see in. the light turned green and I speed off. I made a left turn and pulled into my house.

I noticed that Hunter eyes had glazed over which meant he was ever talking to an-other demon or was think hard, maybe too hard.

"Hunter, are you okay?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah it's just so weird how you have this kind of powerful aroma but..." he trailed off I knew what he was hinting at but I couldn't tell him at least not yet.

"But... what?" I asked turning around to face him in my seat.

"Never mind." He said un buckling his seat belt and getting out of the car. "So... how did you know Nash, Camron and Shawn?"

"Oh those idiots there my brothers." I said like it was a normal thing. I walked up to the front door but stopped when I saw what was standing in the way...


Damen's P.O.V

I walked out of school to see Jessie walking towards the woods. I followed him let-ting curiosity get the best of me. I saw him stop in-front of an old man in his late for-ties. Jessie bowed his head.

"Jessie, my son how is your betrothal doing?" the man asked Jessie but what did he mean by betrothal? And who were they talking about?

"Sir I think she might be a little bit too powerful for her own good but other than that she if fine." Jessie said lifting his head up again and looking the man in the eyes.

"Yes but it's the powerful ones who will become good leaders and you need a strong, confident wife to lead the hunters and gang." He said.

Wait their hunters I need to tell someone but who? What if this girl doesn't know what they do for a living?

"I will see you at home and bring your betrothal with you." He said walking away but before he was out of hearing range he said "And don't hurt poor Charlie!"

Wait its Charlie! No wonder she could fight like that and why she hates Jessie. I must warn her but how?

I ran back to school before I got caught. I walked through the doors and stopped when I saw three boys that were very close to Charlie. What were their names... oh yeah, Nash, Camron and Shawn?

"hey, you!" I shouted at the boys. They turned around and glared at me. what did I do to them?

"Yes" one of the boys asked, I think his name is Shawn.

"Do you know where Charlie lives, I need to tell her something?" I asked kind of in a rush.

"Obviously, we know where she lives we're her brothers, duh." the one that I as-sume is Nash said.

To say I was annoyed was an understatement. Why do I even care about this stupid girl? I should be out there trying to find my mate not worrying about this girl.

"Don't worry!" I shouted and walked out of the school.

Who do they think they are talking to me like that? I'm prince Damen of the under-world. My father is Lucifer, the devil, Sainte.

'Master Damen where are you were under attack.' I heard in the demon mind link.

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