Vimli's meeting😆😍💖💗

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In office:

Vivaans pov:

I come to my office and headed to my cabin and saw my dad work sincerely. I smiles and went from there.

Raj-My P.A like Brother to me.

"Good morning sir" he wished me.

"Good morning but call me by my name" I ordered him.

"but, this is office I can address you by your name" he replied to me.

I looked at him furiously.

I marched to my seat and sit in and placed my both of the leg in desk next to desktop and I placed my head in chair and closed my eyes.

"sir. You have to sign this entire document." he placed the files in desk.

"I will do it later" I said to him without opening my eyes.

"May I have some tea?" I asked him.

"Okay I will bring it" he said to me.

He bring tea for me

"We must change the cafeteria contract to someone else this is not taste well" I said to him.

He smiled.

"Drink it and sign all this" he asked me.

"Did you check it all? "I questioned him while signing.

"Yes. But at least check once why are you sign without even looking?" he questioned me.

"I trust you" I said to him.

"We have meeting tomorrow... here this report" he gives it me.

"I'm sorry... please attend It... instead of me" I requested him.

"Pretend that you are working what if anyone knows that you are like that in office"

"What can I do? Without interest how can I do?" I cant act I replied to him.

And again place my head in chair and went to sleep.

After some time

Someone knocked my cabin door.

I looked at Raj

"its your dad" he informed me.

I composed myself and takes file and placed in front of me.

"are you busy now?" he asked me.

"No daddy... tell me" I said  while closing the file

"I want to expand our hotel and resort business to other state.... My friend circle suggested that south India will be best...." he told me.

"I think Tamilnadu will be best for that" I advised him.

"Why do you prefer Tamilnadu" he questioned me.

I think myself because I have lot of friends there... I want to enjoy myself without any tension....👨👨👨

"Nothing special... In Tamilnadu lot of foreigners visited...." I added.

"okay... beta I will think about it.... I said to me and went from there.
"bhai, where can we go for lunch?" I asked him.

"I bring lunch from home" he informed me.

"Then what about me?" I questioned him.

"I bring it for you also. Here... have this" he gives me one Tiffin box.

I thanked him "I owe you lot bro"😁😁

Imlis POV:

My dad and I went to office..

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