Contract and punishment

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Thanks for reading my story....

Third person pov:

Chakor caught suraj’s ear and squeezed it….

"You did so wrong…. So you have to punish for that…" chakor snapped him...

"What? Leave me…" Suraj pleaded chakor...

(Exorcist runaway from room)

Raghav: are you okay? Please tell me whom are you talking to? Is there anyone in room other than us?

Suraj nodded… bro…there is a ghost in my room…

"What?" Raghav tries to runaway….

While chakor run towards door and closes it…

"Oh my god… how can this door suddenly locked…" he stammered…

"I’m not dead yet… don’t say like that…" chakor snapped suraj...

"Hey suraj tell your friend don’t try to runaway… I won’t harm him… if he is friend of yours then he my friend also…" chakor told him.

"Bro… just calm down… nothing going to happen… "suraj soothing raghav

Raghav: Is it male or female?

Suraj: What?

Raghav: The sprit…

Suraj:Ohhh... her name is chakor…

After sometime

Chakor and angel sits in one side…. Suraj and Raghav sits in opposite side…

"Suraj take the paper and pen in your hand and write whatever I tell…" she ordered suraj

"What? I won’t do anything you ask…" Suraj tells her...

Chakor hits his head…. "Do what I say…" she commended

I, Suraj do whatever chakor ask… and make chakor always happy…. And never ask chakor to leave me… and never talks about chakor to anyone

and sign it…

"What?" I won’t sign it…

Chakor closes her fist and shows to him….

Suraj signed it…

"Give this paper to your friend… and ask him to write...what I tell…"

what’s your friend name?

Suraj: his name is Raghav...

ask him to write…

I, Raghav do always whatever chakor ask… and helps suraj in the matter of chakor… and never talks about chakor to anyone… and Raghav also signed it….(because of fear)

"Angel you are the witness of this contract… please sign here…"

Angel signed as white…(Raghav sees only pen moving and get scared…and holds suraj’s hand)

Chakor: Is your name white?

No… it’s a code word… Angel replies to her...

"Hey chakor… whom are you talking to?" Suraj asked chakor...

"Angel… wait… what? She sits beside me… is angel not visible to your eyes?"

Suraj nodded…

"I’m only visible to only your eyes like you only visible to suraj’s eyes…." White tells me.

"Don’t even try to violate the contract?" Chakor ordered him...

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