First time man of match

421 19 6

Suraj’s pov:

We both went to hotel room.

I unpacked the bag scattered the things around the room.

Chakor saw all this.

“What are you doing?” she asked me.

“I’m unpacking luggage” said to her calmly.

“Why are you making the room as mess? Please hang the dress in the wardrobe. Why all dress in bed… then where can you sleep?” she questioned me.

“Please chakor… let it be… I get habit of it… don’t start your lecture” I request her.

“Do whatever you want” she said and cross her hand against her chest and sits in sofa angrily.

“Are you angry?”I asked her.

She didn’t reply to me.

“If you want you do it yourself… hand the cloth in wardrobe.”

“Why do I have to? Am I your servant?”She scowled at me.

“Then don’t interfere my matter…I will do whatever I want…”I take her belonging in my hand.

“Can I throw it towards you? I asked her.

“Don’t you dare” she yelled at me.

But I throw her dress in floor… she comes to me… “How dare you?” she throws my things in floor.

“What are you doing?”I asked her.

“Tit for tit… don’t you know?” she asked me.

“Really you are crazy dog… you are the one who make the room as so mess not me…” I said to her and point the room.

She going to say something… but someone knocked the door.

I opened the door… it was Randhir bhai…

I welcome him to in…He saw all the mess…I makes someplace to sit for both of them...

Chakor looked him… “who is he?” She asked me.

“Oh… I remember is he not the one who lifts you in ground?”

I nodded… I showed her the picture of bhai lift me in air when I took a crucial wicket…

Me and randhir bhai were somewhere similar how we are getting the opportunity to play cricket…

We both first debut against Australia… he is also bowler but he is spinner but I am fast bowling…

He was 3 years older than me… going to marry soon.

He was not like only my bhai but also my best friend… we both practice lot… we were somewhat closer than other team mate… he always advised me and encourages me and get angry on me when I doing something wrong… I am also like this to him… he is a best friend to me.

“I was waiting for you from last night… I asked the reception when you are here ask me to notify it.
They told me that you are here so I decided to pay visit you…” he told me.

I simply nodded… and ask him is other team mate come?”

“I don’t know… they will come.” He said to me.

“Did you finish unpacking? Shall we go to nearby restaurant? I don’t like this hotel food.” He asked me.

“Give me 10 min… I will come after I change my dress” I told him.

“Are you going out? Wear this… you look good in black colour” she points the t- shirt.

I took it and went to washroom…

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