meeting with lisa

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Suraj's pov:

Lisa called me while practicing for next match...

"What do you want?" asked her.

"I want to meet you..." she informed me.

"But...I don't want to..." growled at her.

"Sun... everyone looked at you... don't raise your voice... whom are you talking to?" chakor asked me.

I turned and everyone looked at me... my team mate did not ask anything about scandal expect randhir bhai...
Randhir bhai told me that"be careful and clear everything soon..."

"Lisa" told her.

"Okay..."she said to me with smirks... I saw how her face change and smiles.

I continued with the phone call...

"Why? Don't you want to delete this photo?" she asked me.

"I want to... but I'm in middle of
practicing... I can't come..." I informed her.

She laughed... "Then okay... I have lot of photo of us... if you don't come I will update it with tag 'we are going to marry soon' in website." She said with smirked.

"Don't you dare to do..."I shouted at her.

chakor held my hand and sign me to speak in low tone.

"Then meet me at palace hotel in 8.00PM" she informed me and cuts the call.

"You think I will come..." I scowled at her.

"It's your decision suraj... either you come or not..." she told me.

"That crazy b.t.h... wait until I saw you... you are dead in my hands..."I mumbled under my breath...

"What did she told you?" chakor told me.

"She said she want to meet me..." I told her.

"Are you going to meet her?" she asked me looking somewhere.

"hmm..." I just hummed... "she said that if I am meet her she will delate this picture..."

"Then okay... do whatever you like" she told me.

I know chakor felt jealous that I am going to meet her.

In Chennai... karthik's house:

Varun's pov:

Varun comes to his dad study room...

He throws the file which is in hand...

"What happened?" my dad asked me.

"Today also I lost the slum clearance project to your sister's company" I told him with scowl face.

"Do you know how much we lost in that one project?" I growled at him.

"Why are you angry at me? You are the one who did not do your job sincerely... don't shout at me..." my dad replied to me.

"You said in some days uncle's company will come under me... but it did not happen till now?" I asked him.

"It's not time to fix your marriage alliance with imli... if we ask them about it they will tell us chakor condition to deny it... so we need to plan correctly..." my dad told me.

"How?" I asked him.

"First we need to kill chakor... so her family will be sad...

When they have hard time we must with them... and make them to believe we are always with them whatever happens...

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