What happened to me😕😕😕

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When car hits chakor

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When car hits chakor... She thinks I think I'm going to be dead and rolling her eyes and sees everyone around her and hears "chakor, chakor...." She gets unconscious....

Chakor POV

When i am opened my eyes.... I got shocked.... I'm in bed and no one is there....

I don't know Where I am...

Is this my room?

Oh my god.... I don't remember where this place is?

I held my head and try to remember....

Suddenly I got of the visual of the car that hit me and myself lying under the car with the full of blood.... And someone near to me and calling me chakor....

I saw my dress also full of blood....
Oh my god... What happened to me?

That means I am dead....

Suddenly I hears the giggling sound....

I got up from the bed... "Anyone is there? Please tell me..." I asked

Suddenly someone appears Infront of me wearing full of white dress and white glass high heels and some papers in her hand....

"Who are you?" I asked

"I'm Angel..." She replies

I laughs... "Then am i princess?" I snaffled.

She get sad face....
"Really I'm Angel...
I was the one who going to be help you..."she replied to me.

"Help for what? To lead my way to hell or paradise..." I snorted.

"Hey baby... You are not dead yet... Your soul come out from your body..."
She tries to calm me.

She puts her hand in my shoulder.

I laughs and ask her "then that means I am dead..."

"No... No... You are in coma... You will be wake up when your soul enter your body...."she assured.

"Don't make me confuse... You said I'm not dead yet... Then what I am doing here? Where is this place? Why I am here instead near to my body?...." I asked without stopping in one flow...

"This is your love Suraj's room.... You have to complete your Mission to enter your body...."she informed me.

"What do you mean? I don't understand any of your words...." I said with confusing..

"Suraj... Who is he? My love.... you want me to believe you...."I hissed.

"Why don't you believe me?" She replied

"Okay...okay... I believe you... You said I want complete my mission to enter my body" I told her.

She nodded... And ask me "Don't you remember who is Suraj?"

"Hmmm. I don't remember anything... I remember one thing that was my accident...." I replied to her.

"Okay... Baby you will regain your memories soon...." She told me.

"What is my mission?"I questioned her.

"First you have to regain memories..."she informed me.

Second? I asked with curious...

"I will let you know when your memories return...."

"Just tell me..." I asked her

"No..no... I won't tell you... Please don't ask me..." She replied to me

Angel hand over me the papers which she brought with her....

"What is this?" I raised an eyebrow and blows my hair

"Just read all this points... I don't have time... I have to meet some special person...."

In paper

1) You can't visible to others expect Suraj

2) Your words only hear by Suraj....

3) when you doing something against your Mission your chest will be paining....

4) you can't disturb others with your powers

I rise my head to see angel.... She ask "what?"

"Do I have power? What power?" I asked her.

"You will be know one by one..."

"Oh... Okay..." I nodded

5) you have to complete your Mission within one year...

"What one year.... until then can't I return to my body?" I questioned her

"You will return you body the moment your mission complete...."

"May I ask you something?" I asked angel

"Hmmm..."she hummed.

"I want dress... It's full of blood stain" I requested her.

"Ask Suraj..." She tells me..

"Why do I have to ask him?..." I questioned.

"Because he is your love...."Angel replies to me...

"Why do I visible only to him?" I questioned her again.

"Because he is your love...."Angel replies to me again...

"Just tell me am i love with him?"I snorted.

"I don't know,.." she replied to me calmly.

"What? Don't confuse me... Please tell me..." I shouted at her

"I will tell you when you regain your memories...."

Someone comes to the room from his friend club...

"Hey who are you? What are you doing my room? I locked the room outside...How did you get here?"he questioned me.

Chakor turns to see Angel... But she disappear from there....

"Hey I am talking to you...but Where are you looking at?"he yelled at me.

"Are you Suraj?" I questioned him

"Hmmm. Who are you?" He asked me

"Don't you know me?" I continued

"I don't know who you are... Tell me who are you..." He cooed.

"I'm chakor... Nice to meet you Mr. Sun." i Extend myhand for shake hand

He ignore me and sits in bed... "Whoever you are please leave my room..."

"I can't..." I replied to him...

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This is the work of fiction. The events and characters are specified herein is imaginary and are not intended to specific places or living persons. The opinion expressed in this story are solely opinion of me...

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