feed me sun

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Third person pov:

Girja comes to Suraj's room with food tray...

Chakor sees her... Stands in her feet and comes to Girja...

Chakor smells the food... "It's looks yummy..."

Suraj comes to Girja and takes food tray from her hand and place it in table...

"Tell her to go from here..."
Chakor asked him...

Suraj also does as per chakor asks...

Chakor sits in sofa and takes food and tries lift her hand to mouth... But can't do because of pain...

Suraj sees her...

"My Sun... Come here... Take the food tray..." She asks him.

Suraj takes it...

"Sit here Infront of me... "She points the table...

Suraj sits...

Chakor asks "feed me..."

"Why should i?" Suraj questioned her...

"Because of you... my hand hurt and I can't even lift my hand..." She complained.

"I won't.... Why would I?" Suraj asked chakor

"Because you are loser...." Chakor smiled

Chakor says "feed me" and open her mouth...

Suraj feeds her with smirked....

"What is the name of the recipe?" Questioned him...

"It's called Tehari" (Mixed Vegetables with rice) he replied to her.

Chakor says "it's yummy... Tasty..." She enjoyed the food...

Suraj sees her reaction with smile in his lips...

Suraj realise that... Why I am smiling?
He thinks himself.

"You think you won... Here have this... Thinking that Suraj place chilli in food..."

Suraj asks her "open your mouth wide..."

Chakor does that... He feeds the food with chilli

"It's spicy... And screams..."

Suraj smiles...

Chakor sees that... And hits his head...

"Why are you hitting me?" Suraj scowled

"Then why are you put chilli in food"... Chakor replies to him..

"Suraj gives water to her..." Chakor drinks it....

"Don't do like this again..." she Warned him

Suraj feeds her..

"Did you eat?" Chakor asked him

Suraj nodded in no... Because you are eat my food...

Chakor feels bad... It's like I'm stealing someone food....

"I am finished... You eat yourself..." chakor Tells him

"I won't eat if someone touch my food..." He snorted.

"I said eat..." Chakor blows her hair and placed her hand in her hips...

"I can't eat..." And pouted his face

"Did you eat yourself or did I feed you?" Chakor smiled

Suraj says "devil.. monster" and starts eat...

"Hmmm... Good boy... My Sun... And careers his hair..."

Suraj caught her hand... "Don't do this..."

Chakor jerks his hand... "Okay"... and goes to bed and sits...

Suraj finished eating... And comes to chakor with milk in his hand

Suraj ask her to drink the milk

Chakor smells it... "I don't want... You have..."

Suraj sees her face changing when she smells milk... And thinks himself... Oh.. you don't like milk...
Suraj smirked....

Chakor lie down in bed and close her eyes...

Suraj puts milk in side stand and pulls her hand and ask her "get up from my bed..."

"I'm tried... Please... Don't start from beginning..." Chakor said to him.

"Then where can I sleep?" Suraj asked chakor

"You sleep in floor...." Chakor replies to him

"Why? This is my room... I will sleep in bed..." He argued to her.

Chakor throws pillow to him... "Sleep in that big sofa... Or go to somewhere..."

"Suraj says devil... You'll be here in one night... I will chase away from my house... Think himself...."

This is the work of fiction. The events and characters are specified herein is imaginary and are not intended to specific places or living persons. The opinion expressed in this story are solely opinion of me...

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