2:23AM Same Day so lemme tell you about memes

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that's me at the Ren Fest i look good stfu


My self esteem is very low so if the two people that end up reading this would kindly tell me i am decent looking pls do thank u

So lemme tell you about memes


Now that you know about memes lemme tell you my feelings

I've been told a whole lot that taking up an instrument could help me cope with anxiety and depression so i literally took up the bass guitar, clarinet, ukulele, drums, piano, and kazoo four months ago and I just got so fucking stressed

I ended up quitting all of them but I'm still teaching myself uke and bass at my own time and pace

I also still have the kazoo just in case, y'know ?

Today was Thanksgiving so I literally gained like five pounds and I hate myself but thatS OKAY BECAUSE IM BEAUTIFUL ON THE INSIDE :''^)))

Jk all Germans are heartless bastards lmao deutschland über alles

I've decided to end every chapter or entry with something that goes like

"Hey fam hit me up; I'm sexually confused, always ironic, and play the ukulele, therefore the perfect girlfriend or platonic friend so pm me."

Whoooooo let's here it for memes and music

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