4:52 12/24 merry christmas all you jews

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when your dad is strongly against white people marrying other races and homosexuality but you have a crush on a hispanic girl :'^)

i honestly dont know what im getting for christmas, probably a polaroid or records or series five of doctor who idk all i really want is the sweet release of death and/or not as much anxiety

i just want to go back to school and see my friends and actually do something rather than sitting around and gaining weight

speaking of which, ive reached a passing healthy weight for the first time in a year (120lbs) and have been eating 3 meals most of the week!!so that's good ig pls just be proud of me

i keep going to bed really late and staying up really late because of anxiety and having nightmares and waking up and not going to bed yay!!1!1

Someone give me a drawing idea im so bored and drawing gives me something to not be sad about

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