lmao 1/27 7:09

39 5 2

did i tell y'all about that time i almost od on sleeping pills last summer and lost most of my memory of that past month

now it's coming back but the part that's returning is bad parts about hailey

and now i dont know what she looks like or what her voice sounds like

it's like that feeling you have when you remember something and it's on the tip of your tongue but like a thousand times worse

and it's been stressing me out so much for some reason that i had two panic attacks yesterday

lmao yea fun

on better news ive been making a l o t of friends lately via online and i feel really cute much more and i wrote a song for maria on uke for music composition and i wrote my cat jasper a song bc he's a cutie

and i mean i guess i'm mostly over her god bless my friends for helping me I love them so much gah

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