12/07/16 3:15 sexuality?????

70 6 8

oka so

girls are really nice i really like feminine features and their laughs and legs and eyelashes and boobs are really nice too and theyre just more relatable and soft and fluffy and sympathetic and they smell really nice
but boys are cool too i really like man buns and when they make jokes and compliment me and it's really nice when you know a boy who's really shy and he talks just to you a lot and butts are nice
im really confused about my sexual orientation, my parents arent helping bc they say im too young

like "hey be yourself but not yet because you don't know yourself lol"

i had like five lollypops for lunch and now i feel like throwing up haha

I guess i am young still as I'm fourteen and I'll never really know who I'm sexually attracted to until I actually have sex but i think i know who i have crushes o n and who id like to kiss and hug and hang out with

i just don't really know

i just want more stock photo memes

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