everyone is aesthetic in london 3/19

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summary of my trip to london;;

i fell in love with every attractive person i made eye contact with 

w h y is everyone so lovely looking i dont understand is it the lighting or british genetics someone explain please

there were lots of friendly pigeons and chubby dogs

everyone looked like they had a liberal arts degree or can do art really well or play an instrument or are like sex masters

everything smelled like cigarettes because everyone smokes

i started my period the moment the plane hit the ground help

only got catcalled twice so that's a new low

i went to the tate museum place to make fun of modern art and did this:

someone should go there and try to find this in a bathroom stall and if you do i will give you all my love and money

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someone should go there and try to find this in a bathroom stall and if you do i will give you all my love and money

st peters cathedral is so pretty

my social anxiety was out of control there were so many tourist and school groups

wrote lots of nice poetry and some p nice art work

a swan pecked through my favorite pair of tights in kensington gardens

i spent a whole day walking around oxford street

i want america to have a pull & bear store i got so many cute shirts there

i spent the last two days with my friend who drove me around all the small countries

her mother and grandmother were so nice

they spoke lots of german so i was happy

the weather was surprisingly nice

i fed lots of birds

pet lots of dogs

my mom made friends with some arabic guy and he taught me how to say "i want you to burn in the hell fires" (it means have a nice day in some other language so thats really funny)

had a generally lazy thursday at the park

some guy was taking my picture when i was in the park and when i asked him why he responded in french and was like "im taking photos of pretty people for my blog" so that made me feel good

got lots of david bowie posters

bought lots of nice tea

listened to great music

watched a great play

had a great time

thank you london

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