3:28 12/12/16 just let me scream pls

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about the picture above,i came across an account and i saw something about real rock music and was like 'oh hey  i like rock music' but then i read all time low and mcr and asking alexandria (dont get me wrong theyre all perfectly fine if youre edgy) and i was thinking more like led zeppelin and acdc and kiss (you know, actual rock music) but emos just kinda ruin the entire genre

okay i feel like pissing all over emos more so listen up all you most likely emo kids I'll tell you my past

last year i was the most emo piece of shiT EVER AND GOD I CRINGE WRITING THIS

i have like super curly hair but i still tried to do a fringe without straightening my hair oh god and i listened to mcr and p!atd (they're still okay but also awful at the same time) and i wore a bunch of black and i thought maybe if i mutilate my own fucking arm people will think im cool or depressed theyre basically the same thing right
then around three to five months of scarring myself like a fucking idiot my counselor finally noticed and called my parents and then i basically stopped but i still was """"""depressed"""""" but it wasnt until my parents screamed at me and made me delete all social media and suspicious friends contacts(all of which i still havent been able to  retrieve) for questioning my sexuality until i actually sunk into clinically diagnosed depression and social anxiety disorder and P.A.D and now im seeing a therapist

but all these fucking people who think it's cool to have scars or makes themselves more interesting to have a legitimate mental disorder but in reality it makes people stay away from you and not accept your friendship, leading to more of the same bullshit mantra


im not done with this but id better stop until later

if someone gets triggered because they're emo and they're like I HAVE A REAL PROBLEM!!1!1! then you can suck the fattest part of my ass stfu

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