4/30 i do too many tags 11:51

27 5 6

Instead of actually expressing my feelings this week im doing another tag thing i stole from watsoninthetardis sorry babe

1. what would you name your future child

alice or ezra

2. do you miss anyone
forever and always

3. what would you do if i said u were pretty

"bitch i know"

4. ever dumped/rejected anyone

yea sure i reject people 24/7 im a regular lady killer u know me guys

5. what are you looking forward to next week

band concert ig (wish me luck)

6. did you stay in or go out last night

stayed in n made shwarmas

7. how late did you stay up last night

ive only slept for 2 hours in the last two days so yea im pretty hecking tired idk man

8. has anyone seen u in ur underwear in the past month

my cat

9. what were you doing @ 12:30 in the afternoon

sleeping or crying probably

10. have you ever told anyone "i love u" but not meant it


11. could you go the rest of ur life not drinking alcohol

mayb e but ok have you tried german beer

12. have you ever pretended to like someone

out of pity yea

one time at the beginning of the year some girl texted me and was like "haha yeah i had a crush on you the entire year last year and most of this year" and i didnt know who she was so i pretended to return her feelings just bc i felt bad for not knowing her

13. could you go the rest of your life without smoking

idk the smell if cigars calm me so i'll probably just light it and enjoy without smoking

14. is there someone in your life who never fails to make you smile

neil degrasse tyson and my science teacher

15. is it hard for you to get over someone

y e s

16. were you single six months ago

im always single smh

17. have you ever cried from being so mad

getting angry is for nerds lmao i dont have a temper

18. have u held hands with anyone this week

my cat

19. have you had ur first kiss

ive kissed my cat

20. who did you last see in person

my baby brother

21. what is the last thing you said out loud

beeP BEEP (it was in a bike race thing and i needed someone to move)

22. have u had a sleepover with more than two people

heck yea and i didnt know 75% of the people there

23. have you been out of the country you live in

yea i went to the uk 👌 fun fun fun

24. good @ hiding feelings ?

n o t a t a l l

25. do you use chapstick

nah boi these lips naturally gud

26. who did u last share a bed with

my cat

27. r u listening to music rn

u know im plugged into that good childish gambino stuff

28. what is something u want rn

a bowl of plumbs and season 5 of bones and a lover

i am a simple man

29. who have you last hugged

my cat

30. how is your heart


31. do you wear sweatshirts

texas is always 200 degrees fahrenheit so n o 

32. when was the last time you hugged someone of the opposite sex

i hugged my cat and hes a guy so
like a few hours ago ?

33. what do people call you

basic 80s bitch/edie/thea/fag

34. have u ever wanted to tell people something but u couldnt

if i want to tell someone something i will yell it across a crowded room thank you very much

35. r u under stress lately

i have to build an entire car so yea

36. what r u reading rn

the great gatsby

37. how r u doing rn
hot and thirsty (i just went biking)

38. do you believe love is a beautiful thing

love is stupid

39. do you make wishes at 11:11

i wish whenever i want to heck u

40. where do you want to be right now

lake michigan in the arms of another

41. romance status


42. where did u get the shirt ur wearing rn

im not wearing anything ooo scandalous

43. ever regretted kissing someone

one time i kissed my cat and he scratched me

44. what comes after death

nothing comes after death

45. favorite hobby

not sleeping

46. what were you doing at midnight last night


47. do you miss the way things were six months ago

haha n o

48. would you rather sleep alone or with someone

i need warmth of a beautiful person next to me

49. ideal occupation

air force pilot / screen writer for horror movies

50. are you okay

sure whatever

i tag whoever wants to die go for it my friends


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