can i be your internet crush 2/12

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((i got a new phone(like the first one I've gotten in three years)so everything is new and weird and my messages arent working so if you would like to accept the question in the title just tell me and i'll give you my number/kik wink wonk))


i see all these people crying about how they're alone on Valentine's Day but tbh i really dont mind it

if someone did come along I'd be like
"hey cool"

but for now im happy with my cats and my best pals maria and ryliegh and all seasons of downtown abbey on dvd

and it's real nice to see some of my friends feel the same and theyre all just v mellow and chill with it

ive had two panic attacks in the past week but therapy is genuinely helping and my friends have been just so understanding and nice about it i love them with all my heart

if you dont have anyone and youre kinda bummed about it hey im here and if im not your type its chill i'll let you borrow my favorite cat to cuddle until you feel better

be safe and have a great valentines day my pals !!!

mood: otto from the simpsons

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