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"You know who we haven't seen in a while? Chris Walker." You state, you and Miles were currently walking through a locker room.

"So? Isn't that a good thing?" Miles asks you, you shrug.

"Yeah, of course it is, but I miss that fat fuck some times, I'd much rather have him chasing me than Rick Trager." You explain to Miles, Miles nods

"Look, there's a window." You point as you notice an open window above a desk, you were the first to climb into the next room.

"Jesus Christ." You wave your hand in front of you to block away smoke, caused by the fire.

"Oh for fuck sake." Miles jumps into the room and automatically regrets it.

"Come on, there's a door over there." You point to the small white light coming from the corner of the room, Miles nods and takes the lead as he walks in front of you.

"I had to burn it." You and Miles hear a sudden voice, the both of you turn around to see a man sitting on the only table in the room that wasn't on fire, you jumped at the sudden sight of him.

"All of it. Murkoff took so much from us. Used us. Turned us into these things because nobody cares about a few forgotten lunatics. So let it burn. Burn the whole god damned thing down. Get out. If you want to live. You can get out through the kitchen." The man tells you and Miles, you sighed sadly, feeling sympathetic towards the man.

"We're not the only victims here." You say to Miles as the two of you walk through a door.

"Not by a long shot." Miles nods in agreement.

"What should we do?" You ask Miles while walking down a now dark corridor.

"We have to get to the sprinklers, Jesus, I know the mans been to hell and back here but we can't let him die like that." Miles explains, you nod understandingly.

"Where are we even going?" You asked Miles, Miles shrugged, the looks down at the ground sheepishly.

"We might of went the wrong way." Miles stares down at his feet embarrassed, you sigh, turning back and walking into the light.

"There's a gap here." You tell Miles, Miles sighs as you and Miles go through the small gap.

You were about to continue, but you heard a crash.

You and Miles quietly tip-toed over to a nearby wall, the two of you peeked from behind it.

"You know, I feel like I might of jinxed it when I said I missed Chris Walker." You whisper up to Miles as the two of you look at Chris Walker, who was slowly making his way towards where you and Miles were.

"He's too big to one two." You tell Miles, Miles shakes his head.

"Run down to that gap on three... One... Two... Shit!" When Miles got to two, Chris Walker had noticed the two of you, and started running, that was when you and Miles then ran towards the gap and into another room, quickly safe.

The room you were now in seemed like a bath house, every bath had blood on it, and one bath had a dead body lying in it and a man bathing the body. Miles tried to grab on to you to try and prevent you from getting any closer to the psychopath, but of course, failed.

You walked right up to the bath and stared curiously at the man bathing the body.

"There you go. We clean your belly, clean your arms. Every little crevice until we find that key. I know one of you babies has it. There we go, shhh, shhh." The man bathing the body laughs, you slowly take a few steps back from the man, Miles grabs onto your shoulders, causing you to jump.

"Come on!" He whispers bitterly to you, you nod.

You and Miles walk to the end of the room.

"What's this for?" You ask yourself as you see a value, you assumed it was for the sprinklers and you turned it.

You and Miles nervously walk back through to where you were before.

"Now what?" You ask Miles, Miles shrugs, genuinely clueless. The two of you walk aimlessly through the corridors.

The two of you had the best of luck because while you were walking around clueless, Chris Walker was looking for you somewhere else.

"Here's another room." You whisper to Miles as you point towards the door, Miles nods as the two of you walk in and find another valve, Miles turns it.

"Where's Chris Walker? He was here before." You say to Miles while walking out of the room, Miles shrugs. As you closed the door and turn around.

"Fucking jinxed it!" You shout at yourself as Chris Walker started chasing you and Miles down the hall.

"In here!" You were decently far away from Chris Walker so if you were to hide in a room, he probably wouldn't see you go in, you and Miles run into a nearby room and Miles slams the door shut.

"How convenient." You turn as you see a button in the middle of the room, you happily walk over to it and press the button.

"Now, to get the hell out of here."

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