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Kylee Green awarded her self on many things; her straight A's, her ability to care for her mother who refused to function, her fashion taste, her friends. Yet nothing could compare to the award she would give herself every morning as her alarm clocked blared annoyingly in her ears. Night never seemed to be long enough for the brunette, the female wishing with all her might her bed would swallow her whole, the comfort of her bed the only thing that ever seemed to make her happy.

She sighed loudly as she stared up at her ceiling, the sunlight slowly trinkling into her room irritated her eyes yet she did nothing to block it out. Grumbling the female pushed herself out of bed, making her way to her closet, her feet padded soundlessly against the carpet clad floor. Kylee stared helplessly at the outfit already chosen for her, her mind recalling the day before when she laid across her bed as her best friend chose an outfit that would only be acceptable for the first day of school. She knew what would happen if she decided not to wear it, a hushed groan leaving her pale lips as she carried it to her connected bathroom.

Mornings were never her favorite, a reason she awarded herself for simply getting out of her bed. Her routine was always the same, even during the summer and on other school breaks, when most of her friends were relaxing and sleeping in. Her days consisted of things most teenagers would never find themselves occupied with, a fact that upset her far more than she let on.

She daydreams about numerous things as she continued with her morning routine, her mind returning to memories of her childhood, when things were much more simple. When her family was whole and her heart was happy.

"Morning mom," She stepped carefully into her mother's room, the once lively, colorful room now dark and empty for the most part. Her mother was hidden in a heap of blankets, her hair the only indication as to where exactly the older woman was. "It's time for your medicine." Depression raged through her mother, destroying the once beautiful soul Kylee had experienced as a child. She never held an actual conversation with the woman anymore, her words never responded to. "I start sophomore year today." Kylee never let it stop her though. Her words continued to tumble out of her mouth as she told her mother her feelings. Their once close relationship hanging by a single thread. Charlotte Green was a mess as her daughter helped her sit up, her honey hair tangled in a mess on her head, her green eyes dull and lifeless as she mechanically swallowed the pills her daughter handed her. "I'll help you into the shower when I get back from school, okay?" Kylee watched with worried eyes as her mother simply fell back into the blankets seemingly being swallowed whole by the mess. "I love you."

They was nothing she could do, her mother didn't want the help the doctors and Kylee were trying to provide. Leaving Kylee no choice but to watch as her mother fell deeper and deeper into a pit of despair. With a sigh, the female left her mother alone, making her way to school, excited despite everything to finally be a sophomore.

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