Chapter 3:

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There was a knock on my door.

I ran to answer it. On the other side was a little girl, about 9. She had long mahogany hair and deep emerald green eyes. She smiled up at me and I noticed she wasn't wearing any makeup. She was very pretty.

"Hello," I greeted. "How may I help you?"

"Hi!" She chirped. "I'm Noelle Finee. Heir to Whites. How are you? That's great. It's nice to meet you." I loved how she seemed to be having a one side conversation, it was cute. " I'm looking for my room and I can't seem to find it. Can you help me? Of course you can. You seem like such a sweet girl."

I laughed. "I'm new here too. I can't say I will be of any service to you. America Rose Singer." I frowned. Maxon did say if I need help to come to him. And Noelle came to me for help, therefore I need help. Right? That logic works for me. "But I know who can be. Come with me."

We began to run up to the next floor, me pulling Noelle along. We reached the next floor and I was immediately halted by a guard.

"Hello your highness," he greeted. "You can not come up here."

I smirked. I was just being a little cocky. You can't blame me. "Officer Legar, is it?" I asked. "I think I can go up here. Because Well I have a pass. And this past was given to me by your next king."

I handed it to him and his eyes became wide. He looked over it and surely enough saw the royal seal on it. The seal of Illea. How rude of him to doubt me.

"I am so sorry Princess America," he pleaded. "I will never ever make that mistake again."

"Oh it's fine. Just take me to Prince Maxon's room," I said giving him my award winning smile. At least that's what my dad always called it. I turned and winked at Noelle and she jumped up and down, following me as I followed the guard.

He stopped outside a huge polished wood door. This is not fair. If the door looked like this what did the room look like?

I swiftly knocked on the door. I heard barking and Maxon grumbling. There was some rustling as the door was quickly pulled open.

Noelle's eyes became wide as she starred at the door. She quickly but gracefully landed herself in a curtsy. Lifting up the satin skirts of her blue dress with one hand and placing the other behind her back. "America!" She whisper-yelled. "You never told me we were coming to the princes room!"

"Well who else would we go to?" I asked innocently.

"Oh I don't know," she said. "The Administrators!"

"Oh it's fine," I assured her. "Me and Maxon are friends. He doesn't mind. Right Maxon?"

I turned back to him. He blinked before regaining his composure and nodding.

"I knew you wouldn't mind," I said proud of myself. My skirts fanned out around me as I sunk into a sitting position. Letting Villi jump up into my arms. "See even his dog doesn't mind."

Noelle squealed. "Is that an Australian bulldog. Of course it is. Did you know my family actually originated from Australia. If you ever talk to my mother Victoria you can here it. Of course you probably knew that because you know the history of all the provinces!"

"Does she always have a conversation with herself?" Maxon whispered.

"Yes. This is normal," I replied.

Villi went skipping into the room and Noelle stood up. "What can I help you with?" Maxon asked.

"I can't find my room. It is located by Avery and Prim's room," Noelle laughed.

"The fadayes," he murmured quietly. "Oh yes. I know where that is. Follow me."

We were lead through more and more hallways until finally we stopped in front of two girls. They both had jet black hair and misty blue eyes. The only way you could tell they apart is by the fact that one of there hairs was cut into a tidy pixie cut with the tips colored blue.

"Hi!" The one with long hair yelled. Her eyes raked up and down my body. "Fiery red hair. Pail cold skin. Slim and tall. You are Princess to be America from Carolina."

I nodded at her wide eyed. "What did you just do?"

"I figured out who you are by attributes from your kingdom," she explained. Fiery red hair and slim, tall bodies runs in the Singer family. And the pale cold skin obviously states your from Carolina. Simple really. I get it from my dad. He calls it reading people. I'm Avery. Gavril Fadates daughter."

She held out her hand which I shook happily.

"I'm Prim," the other girl laughed. The one with short hair. "She's my twin. Sorry if she scared you. She does that a lot."

"It's fine," I laughed.

They both finally acknowledged the other two people in the room. Immediately they fell into deep curtsies addressing him with "your majesty"

Maxon laughed. "Please none of that. Just call me Maxon."

"Noelle!" They yelled and ran over to where she was standing. "We have been waiting what feels like days for you. Where have you been?"

She laughed and began telling the story. "I was running from door to door looking for someone, anyone, who could help me save you guys (from boredom) When one faithful day I came upon a kingdom with a magnificent Queen. I exclaimed "queen America, your my only hope."she did not no how to help, but she was helpless against my cuteness and helped me out. By leading on a long hard journey through a rough and dirty dessert. Till we arrived at the house of the almighty Lord Maxon Schreave. Because he was almighty he knew exactly how to find the kingdom of Duchess Avery Marie Fadaye and Duchess Prim Matilda Fadaye—"

"Not the middle name!" Prim groaned.

"Let me finish my story," Noelle snapped. "Ahem. Where was I? oh yes. Princess Noelle Catillian Adelaide Finee the 2nd followed elegantly behind Queen America Rose Singer and Lord Maxon Calix Schreave. She found the duchesses while looking adorable—" she stopped and looked at me and Maxon, smirking. "While during this journey Queen America Rose Singer and Maxon Calix Schreave fell in love and rode off into the sunset and lived happily ever after."

I blushed and hid my red cheeks behind my arm.

"Aw I love a happy ending," Avery cooed.

"Sweet. They're blushing," Prim laughed.

"Well yeah. You just said that me and America fell in love, when me and Anerica are right here. That's awkward," Maxon said.

I slapped my hand against my forehead. "No durr Sherlock. Way to state the obvious."

"I'll escort you back to your room," Maxon laughed.

We walked in silence down the short hallway.

"Goodnight America," Maxon sighed.

"Goodnight Maxon," I smiled. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

I walked into my room and couldn't help, but hold where his lips had just been.

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