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--Hussain's POV ---

Today was the day of the dance. I had managed to ask Arya to it and at first, well the first few times she refused.

But I was stubborn and I tend to get what I want.

---Aakash's POV ---

"I warned you to stay away from him!" I yelled at Ananaya.

"You can't control me!" She said.

"I'm only saying it because I care about you. He's not a good person," I said.

"He told me that he's with the girl of his dreams and he's done with his player ways," she said.

Girl of his dreams?

Great, now I have to keep a serious eye on that son of a b****. Nobody is going to hurt my best friend and get away with it.

"Can we go to the dance now or not?" She questioned.

"Ya, let's get going," I said.

---Neerav's POV---

"What's wrong?" Anisha asked as I kept looking at my phone.

"Remember my friend, Aakash? He's saying to keep an eye on his best friend and the guy that's going to be with her," I said.

"I would have said the same thing," she said as we walked into the hall.

---Hussain's POV ----

I'm not even going to say I'm suprised.

Her dress was a simple black dress, but it looked good on her.

Also, not surprising was all her friends watching us. Someone tell them to pay attention to their own dates! I'm not planning on hurting her! Geez people!

Now here is what is surprising, the way others were looking at her. I'm guessing nobody could've thought that she'd pull this off. Yes, that includes me.

"Do you want to dance?" I asked.

"We are at a dance! Of course," she said.

"Do I just tend to annoy you or are these remarks just for me?" I questioned.

"You tend to annoy me," she replied. "Now, come on."

When we went to the dance floor so did her friends. Should have figured that one out.

"Your friends are annoying," I said.

"Your face is annoying," she replied.

I gave a seriously look, to which she just laughed.

We began to let the music take over.

Once the song was over we decided to head back, of course so did her friends.

"Tell me something, are you being babysat?" I asked.

"No. I didn't know they would be here," she said.

I don't know why, but I trusted her.

"I trust you," I said.

Maybe that way she can trust me as well.

"Hey, can I dance with you?" Some guy asked her.

"She's here with me. You can leave," I said.

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