Can I have this dance? (Harry x Reader)

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Dedicated to Lumos731

In this imagine you're Draco Malfoy's twin sister and in Gryffindor. It's year four. Also, you'll have Draco's hair as he is your twin so Platinum blonde.

Warning: Violence. I know the character that is hitting wouldn't hurt anyone but ya know... It's for the story! Read at your own risk.

Word count: 1390

(Y/n) = Your Name
(H/s) = Your Hair Style

"-my father disagrees. He doesn't think you'll last 5-" Draco started before he was cut off by Harry.

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks Malfoy. He's vile and cruel," Harry said as he kept walking closer to Draco. You walked closer to hear Harry, but not close enough to make it seem like you were listening as you were just passing them. "And you're pathetic." Harry finished, causing you to turn around to face him.

"Excuse you," you started, jabbing your finger in his chest as he backed up. "House mates or not, that is my twin brother you are talking to and I don't like how you're talking to him." You stated as you kept jabbing and glaring at him. He looked scared as hell, which you didn't want, obviously.

You liked Potter, as much as you tried to hide it. Draco found out though and never stops bringing it up, especially if it's to humiliate you. "Look guys! My blood traitor sister is actually defending me against her crush." Draco started, causing his best Goonies to laugh with him. You turned to look at Draco to give him a look that said 'Don't you dare.' Of course, he didn't listen.

"Perhaps I should tell Father. He wouldn't be pleased. And if you think of getting with him, consider yourself.... Disowned." He said but he watched as you walked up to him and smiled sickly sweet. "Oh dearest Draco. Is that a threat?" You questioned, raising an eyebrow. He nodded, seeming quite proud of himself.

"Okay." You said as you turned to walk away, then you did something unexpected. You turned back around quickly and punched Draco square in his jaw, most likely breaking it. "Bloody hell! Wait till my father hears about this!" He yelled as his Goonies brought him to the infirmary. You called after him before they got out of earshot. "We have the same father you git!"

Turning to walk off, you saw Harry, Hermione and Ron staring at you with a mixture of shock, awe and confusion. "Buzz off." You said through clenched teeth. Harry went to say something but stopped at your raised hand. "You talked bad about my father. No matter how much he annoys me, he tries his best. And my brother? You don't know what we go through!" You yelled, nearing tears. Harry looked taken aback so you just walked off to your last class of the day, Potions with Slytherin.

*skip to Christmas bc I'm lazy*

You looked in the mirror in your dorm room that you happened to share with Hermione and three other annoying girls. You had your platinum hair in (h/s) and your makeup was gold with black eyeliner. Getting into your dress wasn't as difficult as you had originally thought.

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